Empty Rooms and Lost Hope

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Toga's POV

I spin my mouth, pouting with boredom. Uraraka notices my low expression.

"I know. We should get Deku-kun again!" She suggests. I grin, and kiss her.

Midoriya's POV

I was sitting in my room, hugging my All Might pillow, telling myself things will get better, when I hear a familiar giggle.

A knife scrapes against a wall, and I shiver in fear violently. A second, feminine voice giggles in a harmony with the first. I begin to sob, clutching my All Might pillow tightly.

"Come on, Deku-kun. We won't bite." The sickly sweet voice of Toga says in a seductive tone. I whimper, sobbing madly. I know screaming may cause my death, so I can't call out for Shoto.

The blonde girl climbs into the window. I whimper, shuffling back until I hit a wall. She grins, and a brown haired girl climbs in.

I pull my clothes close to me as they approach. There is nothing I can do as they grabs my arms and drag me out the window, before knocking me out cold.


I wake to a gag in my mouth. My shirt is torn, and small cuts cover my body. I whimper, feeling exposed. I stare around when a threatening, emo you mean homeless figure walks into the room. Blue flames flicker on the end of his fingers.

"W-w-wait!" I wail in fear. He smirks as I beg and sob. I realized Toga and Uraraka had already had their fun, and it was Dabi's turn now.

I clench my eyes and jaw, and let the tears fall as I prepare for the blast.


The room had no windows. The meals are inconsistent, when they even come, and I suspect they wake at early hours to feed me. The realization that no one is going to save me is sinking in. I expect Dabi is going to come in soon.

I look as the sound of someone approaching hits my ears. I realize it's not Dabi. A hand covers their face. I recognize this as Shigaraki. A shiver runs down my spine. I remember what he did to Mr Aizawa.

"Sh-sh-shigaraki, I-I'm s-s-sure we c-can f-figure something o-out." I hurriedly utter. He just bends down in front of me.

"If you really want us to stop, join the League." He tells me. I shake my head. What about my dreams? What about All Might? What about my boyfriends? What about the future I want?

I gasp as I feel all five fingers on my arm. The sensation feels like the outer layers of my arm are crumbling off. He removes his hand before my arm is turned to dust. I shudder and sob in horror.  Shigaraki smiles to himself. I hear him whisper something that sounds like "any day soon." He stands up, and leaves me with Dabi, who had come after him.


In the dark of the cell, I can slowly find myself breaking. Fear and hopelessness is all that can reach me. It had been a while since my last meal. My stomach always ached in hunger.

Maybe I should join the League. It can't be any worse than this.

The next time Shigaraki comes, I have an answer.

And that concludes that chapter. Please don't kill me for the ending.

Ari-chan. 💕

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