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Midoriya's POV

One month later

I enter the League Of Villain's hideout, humming quietly to myself. I know if Shigaraki discovers where I went, I'll have a huge price to pay. It'd been there many times previously, so why would he catch me now?

"Midoriya. Where have you been?" And speaking of the devil.

"I went out shopping. My gloves are breaking or getting stained with blood, so I brought some more, and some casual clothes." I say, lifting up the bag to show him. Shigaraki glares at me.

"Don't lie. I know you went to visit heroes." He tells me, his gaze cold and harsh.

He caught me. Fuck, umm... Just... Play dumb.

"What are heroes?"

Okay, maybe not that dumb.

"Kurogiri, come in." He says. I try to stop shaking, but in the end I just focus on keeping it in my hands.

"I've been wanting to try an experiment for a while. Kurogiri has been making it possible, but I've been trying to get the right test subject. And now, I can use you." Shigaraki holds my arm still, a finger up from each hand. Kurogiri works with Shigaraki to pull up my sleeve, and uses a syringe to force a vial of something into my blood.

I whimper and clutch my stomach. There is pain, and I clench my eyes to try stop the tears. I fall to the ground, panting and whimpering. Shigaraki laughs.

"Looks like it's going well, Kurogiri." He says. The tears start to fall.

"What... Are you... Doing... To me?..." I pant through the tears and pain. The man who controls my life simply laughs.

"An experiment. I'm testing whether there is a way to get makes pregnant." He announces. Even through the pain, I feel my eyes widen.

"P-pregnant? I'm sixteen!" I exclaim. Kurogiri nods, but Shigaraki ignores us both.

"The guy who you were with. He'd be perfect for the experiment. Unless, of course, you want him dead." Shigaraki threatens. I know I have to have a child, or Shoto will be killed. He's the child of a pro hero; he's an easy target.


I stand up, the pain in my stomach getting less and less by the second. I limp over to the doorway, still clutching my stomach.

"Oh, that reminds me." Shigaraki calls. I turn to look at him, leaning heavily on the doorframe.

"If the experiment is successful, you will be released from being a villain." He tells me. I nod, excited for a possible freedom.

Outside, I let go of my stomach, and straighten up. I try not to show the pain, and pull out my phone. Look through, I see that I missed three calls from Fumikage, five from Hitoshi, and one from Sho-kun.

I go to an abandoned alley, and click "call" on Sho's contact. He picks up immediately.

"Izu, are you okay? You normally don't call back this early."

"Ha, yeah. About that... Do you mind meeting me in the coffee shop in the mall?"

"Izuku, what's going on?"

"I'll explain there. Just be there in five minutes, okay?"

"Okay. Which coffee shop?"

"The one next to Hot Topic."

"Cool. I'll see you in five."


I hang up the phone, and pull up my hood. Keeping my head down, I make my way to the coffee shop. Shoto is there half a minute after me.

"Izuku, what the hell is going on? You never meet me twice in a day." He says. I nod, my head down. I was scared for the next part.

"The thing is... The villains decided to turn me into an experiment."

"Huh? An experiment? What type?" He asks, concern colouring his voice.

"An experiment for male pregnancy. They injected me with a shot." I admit, head down in embarrassment and shame.

"Why don't you refuse? You're sixteen. Surely Kurogiri can do something about it."

"If I don't do this, they're going to kill you. If I do this, they're going to set me free. I won't have to be a villain anymore." I murmur. Sho-kun lifts my chin, and stares me in the eyes.

"What do you want, Izu?"

"I... I want to be free. I want to see All Might, I want to hang out with my friends, I want to be able to be love who I love." I say, suddenly sure of my decision.

"If that's what you want, Izu, I'll give you your freedom. We should probably talk to Tokoyami and Shinso about it first."

"Right. I hope Toshi and Fumi are okay with it..." I say, suddenly nervous. Sho stands up, and so do I.

"Let's go find out."

Word count: 781

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