Voting Time

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Thank you to the 9,000 people who read this story. But before we go on to the punishments..after a period of fluff by the way...I would like you guys to vote on who goes next..

1. Weiss


1. The Schnee company is destroyed and her wrongdoings are exposed. While also having no one behind her since she was displayed betraying Blake by fooling around with someone who looks like Sun. 

2. Weiss gets exposed as using her position as the heiress of the Schnee company to get away with things while also having relations with multiple guys which leads to her getting punished by her family.

2. Blake


1.Have one of the Princes pretend to be her and go on a killing spree while also stealing academy secrets and being seen giving them to officials.

2. Having a hallucination of her parents and Adam in which...they show their disappointment in her and seeing him everywhere causing her to freak out and hurt people.

3. Blake's parents find out about the bullying and how she hides her true heritage causing them to be disappointed in her so much that they disown her while also taking away her bow.

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