Namjoon squeezes my thigh gently and answers his mother "We've been together for four months, almost five."

"And you think that for being still new to our world and only being with her for a short amount of time that she deserves your completed branch and family mark?" His mother asks, a harsher tone to her words

"Yes I do, she's incredibly smart and she adapts quickly. I also feel more for her than I have ever felt for anyone else in my life. Even if she didn't want to be a true part of things she would still be here, still be mine." Namjoon defends

His mom nods "And has she proven her loyalty to this family? Has she killed anyone for you Namjoon?" She looks me up and down again.

I tense up at her question and so does Namjoon "Mother is this really necessary? I wouldn't just chose anyone. I trust her and I love her. She doesn't have to kill someone to prove her loyalty."

His mom hums "Oh so she hasn't killed for you. Is it because she can't? I mean she isn't from this life and she seems untrained or poorly trained. You could do better son."

I see Namjoon's jaw clench out of the corner of my eye "No I can't because she is the best one for me, the only one for me." He stands and gently tugs me up with him "Thank you for lunch but I think we should go."

Before his mother can respond Namjoon pulls me out of the restaurant and to the car. I get in and jump when Namjoon slams his door after he gets in. The ride is silent and the whole time I just look at my lap and play with the hem of my skirt, thinking about everything his mother said.

She was right, Namjoon could do better. He should have someone that can actually be there and step up for his family. I cant do that, I cant do the one thing that could save his life or anyone else's.

We pull up to the house and Namjoon throws the car in park and we sit in silence for a few minutes. "Jihyo, I am so sorry, I knew she would question things and be critical but I didn't think it would be like that. You don't deserve that, I'm sorry baby."

I don't look at him and I just nod "It's okay Namjoon, you are her son. She only wants the best for you."

"You are the best for me." He tries to cup my face but I lean away from him

"Am I? Because honestly I don't think or feel like I really am." I don't give him a chance to respond before I get out of the car and head into the house

"Ji, you look pretty." Taehyung comments as I walk past him

"Thank you, where is Jungkook?"

"In our room I believe. Is everything okay?"

I shake my head "Not really no." I head upstairs and straight to Jungkook and Tae's room

"Jihyo? What are you doing here?" Jungkook looks up from his computer when I walk in

I close the door, locking it and crawl in his bed, shoving his laptop out of his lap carefully and plopping in his lap, all without saying a word.

"What's wrong little one?"

I feel the tears that have been threatening to spill finally doing so "It's dumb." I shake my head

Jungkook sighs and pulls me closer to him "Please tell me what happened."

"I had lunch with Namjoon and his parents today."


"His mother questioned my loyalty to him and this family and said I seemed untrained or poorly trained and that Namjoon could do better. She somehow knew that I can't kill."

Her Plus Seven// BTS Mafia AU (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now