I could only think of one thing to say to the 'weapon-made-out-of-blood-summoning' thing.

"Wow. That's uh...Disturbing."

He grimaced. "Tell me about it. Anyway, third testis that you have to fight the current Hidden Spirit, and no, it is not me." I tensed. "It's my brother, Aether, Primordial of light."

I groaned. "Noooo..."

He grinned, "Sorry, Traitos, but he had to fight Kronos for it."

"Honestly, I would prefer fighting all of the Titans combined, over this guy."

He smirked. "OK, Aether! It's time!" he shhouted before walking a few yards away. I looked at the apparently dry river to see a light coming from one end. I watched as a guy that was literally white as a sheet. Everything, clothes, hair, eyes, lips even!

He grinned at me. "Hey, there, fututre Hidden Spirit! Name?"

I sighed. Great, another Apollo. I could tell from the way that he seemed to think that he was the shit. "How about I tell you after one of us wins this fight?"

He frowned before saying that one thiing that very few people will say to me.

"I told you to tell me your name. Now, what is your name?" He didn't seem to notice how pale Ouranos had gone. Obviously SOMEONE has been watching me. Zeus once tried the 'I'm-older-so-you-should-obey-me' bit.

Right before he was put in the hospital for a decade.

I was not happy.

Zeus has been terrified of my anger ever since.

Aether didn't have time to notice his brothers face.


Because he found himself getting beaten black and blue with earth, time, swords, pain, nightmares, gravity, lightning,  fire, bolts of sea green energy, and a whole lot of ice.

Let's just say that he was no longer having a good day, especially since they were all moving too fast for him to block or control.

"OW! OK, OK, I yield! Please do not kill me or put in the hospital, I'm sorry!" immediately the whirlwind of beating he was getting vanished. "I see why you told me not to piss him off, brother."

Ouranos just nodded. "Be glad you weren't Zeus. He didn't stop even when Zeus was unconscious." Aether gave me a terrified look. Honestly, I would be too.

He shook himself and said, "OK. Now for the transfer of titles." He stood up and turned toward the river. "I, Aether, Son of Chaos, yield my name of Hidden Spirit and Master of the Hidden River, to Perseus Achilles Jackson, now Traitos, Assassin God of Olympus." Immediately a orb that looked like it was made out of pure  starlight came out of his chest and hovered in front of him for a second before hurtling towards me. It slammed into myy chest like a battering ram, and trust me, I know how  it feels to get hit by one of those.

Don't ask.

The pain was surprisingly light, it just hit really hard, knocking the air out  of my lungs.

Then my back felt like it got dipped in pure acid.

I am n ot ashamed to say that I screamed. Long and loud.

When the pain finally went away, I felt taller, and more back-heavy. I turned my head to see that I had a pair of dark purple wings with shots of sea-green and gold. I brushed my hand down and then back up before jerking my hand away as pain flared up in my hand.

Just because I'm the god of pain, doesn't mean that I am immune to it.

I turned to Aether and Ouranos to see them slack-jawed and staring at my wings. They jerked themselves out of it before turning to each other and whispering to each-other. Ouranos turned back to me before asking, "Could you summon a flame for us? Just out of curiosity." I shruggeed before summoning a flame that was almost the same color as my wings, only difference wass thatt it was just the purple and gold. "Thank you, by the way, FATES! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!"

Percy Jackson: Assassin God Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now