40 Years Later...

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(A/N- This one was quite the tearjerker for me to write. I must admit, a few tears may have slipped down my cheeks 🥺.)

8th December, 2020
A Newsroom, Somewhere in Liverpool.

"Good evening, my name if Carol Sholten and I'll be taking you through the next quarter of an hour." The woman spoke professionally to the camera infront of her, in a morbid tone.

Paul didn't know why he'd agreed to do this. It was 40 years today, and for some bizarre reason he thought it would be a good idea to come on a talk show news programme (he didn't even know what it was) and talk about John.

His John.

40 years, and he still wanted to cry every time he thought about the man. But he couldn't, not now of all times. Millions of people all over the world were watching him right now, live, sat on a sofa in some small studio in Liverpool.

"Now, today is a very sad day, as it marks the 40 year anniversary of the day we lost John Lennon. A shock to everyone across the entire world." She glanced down to her cards, turning to face Paul. "But to remember John and all of his legacy, we have here with us Sir Paul McCartney, the man who knew John inside and out."

"Hello, Carol." He nodded at the woman, crossing his legs over.

"Now, we have a few questions here to ask you about John, about the Beatles."


"So let's start off with that one day in 1957, the 6th of July, the day you and John first met."

And Paul remembered that day so well. That was the day that his entire life began, the day that would change everything.

'Paul, there is someone I'd like you to meet.' He recalled his friend, Ivan, telling him, pulling him through the small gathering of people who were watching some new band play.

'Ow, Ivan. Slow down... You're hurting me-" Paul winced, immediately stopping whining when his eyes landed upon a boy wearing a leather jacket, his hair styled up to look like Elvis.

They both stood there for a moment, staring at eachother. A light smile appeared on the other boy's face.

'Paul, meet John. The lead singer. John, meet Paul, my mate."

"Hi Paul..." John grinned, holding out his hand for the other boy to shake.

'Hey... I liked your music up there, it was brilliant.' He said, taking the boy's hand.

'Thanks... Although, I don't think it's anythin' special.' John shrugged.

'It's great, John. Honestly, you're gonna go somewhere one day.' He reassured.

'You really think?" The boy raised his eyebrow.

'I'm certain.' Paul smiled back.

And that's where it all started. That one conversation.

"It was my friend, Ivan, who introduced me to John. He'd just played a gig with his band and Ivan took me to meet John, y'know?" She nodded. "Anyway, weeks later I bumped into one of his other bandmates and he asked me if I wanted to do a gig with them. I said sure, thinkin' then it was just a bit of fun... And months later we were still performin'. George came in in 58' and then Ringo later on."

"Mhm." She hummed. "Tell us more about what John was like in the earlier days."

Paul had to be careful what he said. He definitely did not want the whole world knowing what he and John had. Even though it wouldn't be technically illegal anymore... What he and John had was special, but tragic.

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