Sick Paulie

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Sweden, 1964

"I- I want John!" Paul sobbed into Ringo's shoulder, tears staining the eldest's light pink polo shirt.

They were all supposed to be going down to some hall thing, where John was doing an interview on his new book. However that plan was short lived, as that morning Paul woke up with the flu and a stomach bug. The boy was throwing up all the time, and constantly sniffing into tissues.

George and Ringo decided they'd stay back at the hotel with Paul, while John went and did the interview. Their shows had been cancelled for the next two days, as there was no way Paul could perform.

John felt awful about having to leave his sick and tired boyfriend at the hotel, but he had to do this interview for the press in order to promote his book. He had asked Brian if they could just move it to a different day, but it was apparently not possible.

"I know darlin'..." Ringo soothed the crying boy as he knelt next to the sofa, George sat on the floor behind him. The youngest watched with sad eyes, wishing there was something he could do.

"W-W-ant..." His sentence was interrupted by a cough, closing his eyes in pain at the feeling it made in his throat.

"Shhh..." Ringo soothed, rubbing his hands through the boys hair.

"George... G-Get John!" He whimpered out, and Ringo sighed, turning slightly to look at the youngest.

"Paulie, he's busy..." George replied, lightly.

"I- I want him! I need him!" Paul sobbed harder, his weak arms grasping Ringo ask much as he could.

"I know..." The eldest sighed, holding onto Paul tighter as the boy cried.

John said he'd be as fast as he could, but it had been two hours now and there was no sign of his return. He'd been crying for a while now, and it broke the other two boy's hearts to see the usually happy and shining boy this hysterical.

Paul coughed some more, wincing every time he did.

"Maybe we should call the doctor..." George asked Ringo, a worrying look on his face.

"No... No! Just get me John..." Paul added before Ringo could speak.

"Paulie, we can't..."

"Call him, please." The boy's eyes looked so reddened and broken, face completely pale.

With a defeated sigh, Ringo nodded, lying Paul back down on the sofa and standing up.

"George... Stay here." The youngest nodded, taking Ringo's place as the man began to walk out of the room and towards the corridor.

As he reached for the phone, he had second thoughts. John was busy, and they were sure that Brian wouldn't appreciate the interference. But Paul was in the next room, sobbing John's name out like a child who'd lost their mother in a shop.

Ringo couldn't stand it anymore, and dialled the number the venue John's interview was taking place at.

"Hej?" A woman's voice spoke up.

"Hello? Can I speak to Brian Epstien please?"

"Ja." At first, Ringo was concerned. He had no idea what he had just been told, but once the call went on hold, he was sure it was a yes rather than a no.


"Oi, John." Brian patted him on the back during the middle of John's solo press conference. There were all sorts of cameras flashing at them and video cameras recording their every move.

"Hm?" The man asked, turning around at Brian's voice.

"Ringo's on the phone for you." John's eyes immediately shot open fully in worry. The man dabbed his cigarette out on the ashtray and stood up. "John-"

But it was too late, John had already stood up and headed towards the corridor. Brian took a deep sigh, turn ing around and waving at the press before running after John.

"John! Wait." The manager called down the corridor.

"No, Brian... You're not stoppin' me again." John snapped, glaring at Brian as he picked up the phone from the table. The other man seemed to stop and look down in defeat. "Ringo?"

"John?" A voice asked, and John swore he could hear sounds around him.

"Is Paul okay?" He asked in a panicked tone.

"He wants you, John. He's been cryin' for you for a while now-"

"John!" The man heard a voice call to him from a different part of the house, and it sounded so broken. He knew it was Paul, and it broke his heart.

"Alright, I'm on my way Ritchie."

"Okay." And with that, he put the phone down, immediately heading further down the corridor.

"John! Wait. The press are still in there..." Brian's nervous voice called to him.

"I don't care about the press. I didn't even want to come today! Macca is sick, and..." He brought his voice down. "And you know how much we mean to eachother. I should be there with him, not here. He's more important, you know that."

With another look at John, Brian sighed and nodded in defeat.

"I know John."

"Can't you arrange it for another time?"

"I'll see." The man nodded, patting John on the back. "Go on."

And at that, John headed for the door.


"Where is he?" Paul whined, lying on the sofa. George was knelt next to him, Ringo making him some soup in the kitchen.

"He's on his way, Paulie." The youngest's saddened voice replied.

"I need him..."

"I know... He'll be here soon. You know John, he'll have told the driver to go as fast as he can. The man will have dropped everythin' for you, Paul." George smiled at him, rubbing his shoulder and pulling the blanket a bit higher.


After around 5 minutes, there was a strong knock on the door, which caused both George and Paul's eyes to look away from the TV.

"I'll go get him, Paulie." George reassured him, patting his shoulder lightly before running over to the door

"Macca?!" A worried voice came from the corridor, as John rushed past George and ran straight into the living room.

"Johnny..." Paul tried to reach out to grab at his boyfriend's body, but was too weak to do so.

"Hey, don't do that love..." John whispered, softly, kneeling down where George was not too long before.

He reached a hand up to stroke through Paul's hair, catching a glimpse of Paul's teary and reddened eyes. The boy's heart sunk at the sight, his other hand reaching to stroke the boy's pale cheeks.

"I'll go and check on Ringo." George spoke, heading out of the door as soon as he saw John's nod.

"I- I missed you..."

"I know, and I missed you too." John replied, a slight smile appearing on his face as he saw Paul do the same. "C'mere..." He whispered, pulling him in for a kiss.

The other boy hesitantly kissed back, as much as he could, but mostly just let himself be kissed.

"You're gonna get sick now..." Paul frowned as John pulled away.

"I don't care. As long as you're okay I don't have a care in the world, my love."

"Really?" He replied in amazement.

"Of course, Macca. I love you so much."

"And I love you too." Paul smiled, closing his eyes as John kissed him once more.

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