Church School

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12th August, 1955

"John Winston Lennon, wipe that muck off your blazer!" Julia scolded her 14 year old son, who just scoffed at her in return.

"I don't know why I gotta go to this stupid church school anyway!" He huffed, folding his arms as she brushed his blazer down.

"Don't you speak to your mother like that, John." Warned his father with a stern look. When Julia was finished he spoke again. "Now, you know full well why! If you weren't such a-"

"Alfred, not outside of the church." Julia stopped him, annoyed.

"Fine. If you're behaviour at home wasn't so atrocious, then maybe you could spend the rest of your summer at home with your mother and I, but that isn't the case, is it?"

"Well, if spending the rest of my summer at home with you is the only other option, then I'll gladly walk through those doors." John spat out, pissed off at how unreasonable and annoying his parents were being.

Before his father could say (shout) anything, John had already opened the main doors to the church, turning around and giving a sly wave before shutting them. The last thing he saw being his father, with a furious look on his face, being held back by Julia.

John walked down the wooden floored corridor of the church, through more doors, which he assumed was the main chapel.

He was right, and as he walked in he noticed a bunch of young teenagers sat on the rows of seats at the front, an older man and woman talking to them. They all turned to look at John as he walked down the red carpet, trying to stop his nerves from showing.

"Who do we have here?" The woman asked, looking him up and down, judging him.


"Come to the front first, please" She ordered, walking up to him, gripping her hands firmly on his shoulders and dragging him along.

"Uhm, my names... Elvis." He couldn't help himself, it was the perfect opportunity. He held back a smirk once again, as the group of teenagers all giggled.

"No. It is not." The man said, sternly. "Your name is John, now sit down, boy." He ordered, obviously not finding the joke funny.


"Next to Paul over there." He pointed in the direction of a boy who was also wearing the same blazer as John, but had a tie. John couldn't help but find him looking... Smart.

The boy did as the man told him, sliding into one of the benches next to the boy, who looked down to his feet, still having a smile on his face.

"What's the smile for?" John teased. "My amazing joke?

"Maybe..." He smirked, looking up.

"You gonna introduce yourself?"

"M'names Paul McCartney. What about you?" Paul asked.

"John Lennon." He offered a handshake, which Paul accepted.

"Boys! Enough." The woman at the front scolded. "John, you were already late. Don't make it worse for yourself, boy."

"Sorry." He shrugged.

He was going to hate this.

The two hours went pretty quick, but only because Paul was there.

The first hour was on bible quotes and scripture, which John almost fell asleep at. The second hour however was on rules that good Christians should follow.

They had to get onto partners with the opposite gender and get to know eachother. John hated that, he'd much rather have stayed sitting next to Paul.

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