Into Arendelle

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Sonic and Tails were on there way down to village through the snowy forest and it was a cold trail to walk through and they were not a fan of the cold. 

Sonic: "It's so c-cold out here!" Sonic stated. "Hey Tails do you know where we are?" He asked the smart fox.

Tails: "I'm n-not really sure S-Sonic." Tails Stuttered as he shivers in the cold. "I'll check it out on my miles electric to know the location of this place."

Tales pulls out his miles electric to find out where they are but he couldn't get any connection because they are back in time, he tried shaking it and hitting it to connect to the service but there we're still no sign of luck

Tails: "Dang I'm sorry Sonic I am unable to connect the internet." Tails looked down in disappointment.

Sonic put his hand on Tails should and giving him a smile. "Don't worry Tails we'll find out where we are, in the meantime I guess we're gonna have to ask someone the location of this place." Sonic stated as he continued to walk through the thick snow.

Tails:"Hey Sonic look up there"! Tails pointed in the sky to see there's smoke in the air. "I'll fly up there to see what it is." Tails flew as high as he can to see where that smoke is coming from until he see's a small cabin up ahead. Tails flew back down and replied to Sonic what he saw.

Tails: "Sonic I saw a cabin that's not far from us, maybe we can ask someone there." Tails replied

Sonic: "Finally we can get some answers about where the heck are we!" Sonic shouted in relieve. "Let's go!" Sonic ran towards where the smoke is coming from, Tails flowed as he is flying with his tails to pick up his speed, they then arrived at the cabin, Sonic saw a sight that says "Wandering Oaken's Trading Post, oh and Sauna".

Sonic and Tails make there way into the Trading post until they heard a noise *Yo-hoo* "Big summer blowout, I have swimming suits, cloggs, and my and my own invention yah?" Oaken asked the two of them.

Tails: "Uhhh.... no thank but do you have any kind of cloaks or jackets to keep us warm?" Tails asked the Oaken man nicely.

Oaken: "Sure there just in the corner over there by the vendor department." Oaken gladly replied.

Tails: "Thanks"? Tails thanked him while grabbing two cloaks that was the size of Sonic and himself and they were also blue and orange.

Sonic: "Hey Oaken do you know what that village is down there?" Sonic asked

Oaken: "The village is called Arendelle it is a kingdom ruled by Queen Anna." Oaken answered. "By the way that will be 30 yah?"

Sonic looked in his bags with rings that he had. "I have 4 golden rings, is that cool?" Sonic asked

Oaken took a good look at these rings they had, he never seen these things before, he decided to bite it to see if it was real or not, when he took one bite *Bling* he heard a sound that he never heard of before, so he was glad to take them in exchange of the cloaks there buying.

Oaken: "Thank you for buying at Oaken's trading post, have a good day at Arendelle." Oaken said

Sonic and Tails: "You too."

Sonic: "Ok so that's Arendelle down there and there is a Queen down there, wanna explore down there for a bit buddy?" Sonic asked while putting on his cloak

Tails: "Sure, but remember Sonic we can't stay here for long we got to get back Eggman. Tails said as he remembered what there mission was.

Sonic: "Got it." Sonic then ran down the hill not worrying that he could trip or fall he is followed by Tail who's trying to keep up with Sonic. It didn't take long for Sonic to get to the gates of Arendelle, now for Tails he just walked behind Sonic catching his breath.

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