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Chapter 14 (Christian)

So, I stayed there for as long as it takes till she gets well. Andrew and Victor kept me companied whenever our parents leave.

Months passed we lived together. Andrew married Andrea eventually. I left my job and chose a new one. Jake found his happiness with Chriselda but the thing is she was never there beside him.

          “When can I marry you?” I asked Chris.

          “Your choice.” She insisted.

          “What if I say next week?”

          “Then next week it is.”

I smiled at her and gave her a tight hug and kissed her.

          “So, how many kids would you want?” I asked.

          “I think I’ll go for two, a boy and a girl.”

          “And the names?”

          “Christine and Gabriel.”

          “I like it.”

Chris wasn’t joking; she and I really got married the next week. She wore a perfectly simple gown then while walking down the aisle we both chose “Destiny” as our song and I loved it. Andrew and Victor became my best man while Nia and Lou-Lou became Chris’s maid of honor. Andrew made a scene though saying ‘I object’ but then joked around. And of course what would a married couple be without their honeymoon.

After a year God was generous enough by giving us twins and guess what? A boy and a girl!

You can’t always expect too much in life you just make the most out of it. Love comes in so much ways you can’t explain it, it just appears right in front of you. I have always believed that things happen just the way God wanted it, there’s a reason in everything. We all wear mask everyday and everywhere. Whenever in pain, we smile. Whenever you smile sometimes there’s evil behind those smiles.

We all have our own mask to wear just learn how to wear it. We only live once, make the most of it. I mean look at me! I’m happy, seeing Chris wake up every morning with her next me is worth it.

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