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Chapter 12 (Christian)

          “Who will it be?” Jake asked.

Chriselda looked at me with teary eyes. No. She looked away back to Jake.

          “I…I…” She tried to find her words.

          “Chris! Don’t let him get into your mind. I’ll be fine. Don’t change your mind just because he will kill me. Choose what makes you happy.” I tried to bribe her.

          “What make me happy is you being alive.” She said.

          “No.” I said. “NO!”

          “I’ll choose Andrew over you.” She said to Jake.

          “Wrong answer.” He said.

          “What? I thought whoever she chooses between will have her. You said she won’t get hurt.” Andrew said.

          “It’s not about you really. It’s just for me. So, if I can’t have her no one will.” Jake said pointing the gun at her.

          “Victor!” I whispered trying to free myself.

          “I’m trying.” Victor wiggled the rope.

All of a sudden before Jake could shoot, Andrew got between Chris and Jake.

BANG! Everything went into slow motion. Andrew fell on his knees while Chris went next him. Victor let me loose so I stood up and went to Jake. I kicked him off his knees and threw punches at him while he kept laughing. “Shut up!” I said punching him. “Victor! Tie him up.” I ordered.

Victor went next me so I took the rope and tied Jake’s hands and feet. After that I went to Chris and Andrew.

                    “S-sorry Chris, for… putting you in this mess.” He managed to say.

          “I won’t forgive you if you die.” Chris said trying to smile.

          “At least you have Christian. I don’t have any one waiting for me anyway. My family are long gone. I’ll be fine, trust me. Christian, take care of her.” He said looking at me shaking.

          “You still have Andrea…” She said crying.

She kept on holding his wound to lessen his bleeding.

          “We better take him to the hospital.” I said pulling Chriselda up.

I looked at her relieved she was fine. I hugged her tight and felt something warm. It wasn’t her love it was something else. I looked at her and scanned there I saw blood.

          “Y-you’re bleeding…” I whispered.

          “Huh? No, it’s Andrew’s blood.” She said touching her right side.

She stopped and her eyes turned white and collapsed. I caught her just in time then carried her quick.

          “Victor! Carry Andrew. We need to take them to the hospital!” I ordered.

I took the first cab while Victor took the next.

          “You’ll be fine… you’ll be fine…” I whispered to her while she remained unconscious.

          “Could you go faster?” I asked the driver.

          “This is the fastest I can do. Sorry.” He replied.

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