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Chapter 9 (Chriselda)

I was waiting for Christian when Andrew came.

          “Please, Chris I want you back.” He said more of begging.

          “I told you, nothing will be the same again. And you better talk to Andrea. She is more hurt than I am, she needs you more. You better start loving what you still have while you still can you don’t know how long it will last.” I stated.

Christian came and stopped in front of me and removed his helmet and gave it to me.

          “Here you wear it.” Christian said ignoring Andrew’s presence.

          “It’s you! You took her from me!” Andrew exclaimed.

          “Woe, dude you lost her and it’s your fault.” Christian replied getting of his bike.

          “Christian, don’t fight him.” I said.

          “That will depend on him.” Christian said turning on his arrogant attitude looking at Andrew then to me.

Andrew threw a punch when Christian was looking at me. Christian’s head turned but he was still standing. He looked at Andrew and scoffed. I stood in shock but managed to ask, “Chris! Are you ok?”

          “Yeah,” Christian said.

Suddenly Christian grabbed Andrew’s shirt and punched him on the stomach making Andrew cough then Christian grabbed Andrew’s arm just like the other night but this time he made Andrew lie on his stomach, a usual move of a police when arresting someone.

          “Chris, tell him everything he has to know so he would quit on following and asking you.” Christian commanded me.

          “But-” I couldn’t finish.

          “Tell him.” He urged.

          “Ok. Andrew, I love Christian ok? Andrea loves you. And I’m sure you love her too. She needs you. You once told me you won’t let her go, so don’t lose the chance and don’t come to the point where you can’t have her back.” I said.

Christian let go of him and went to his bike and started it. Andrew sat on the grass holding his head. I followed Christian and rode behind him. We left without hearing from him.

          “You ok?” Christian asked paying attention to the road.

 “Yeah,” I assured him.

We rode for almost an hour to my parent’s house. We arrived soon enough. We parked in front of my old house and I looked at his face.

          “Chris! You’re bruised.” I said pressing his cheek.

          “Ouch! Easy on the touching.” He said moving his head backwards.

          “What happened to ‘I’m ok,’ of yours” I teased.

          “I am ok but it hurts too you know, I just have to keep my figure.” He said holding his cheek and jaw.

          “Awe my poor Chris. Does my baby need a kiss?” I said with a pout.

He nodded pointing at his bruised cheek like a kid. I chuckled and smacked his cheek and held his hand.

          “Come now.” I said pulling him.

I knocked and my mom opened the door.

          “Hi, mom.” I greeted with a hug and kiss.

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