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>>Word count; 1131 <<

~Katherine's Pov~

We submitted to the blood test, Jenner; the man who let us in gave us food and wine, we were eating right now. Honestly; we were all a little drunk. "You know in Italy, children have a little but of wine with dinner." Dale said handing Lori a glass of wine. "And in France!" He said as she took the glass and covered Car's glass with her hand. "Well when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some then." Lori said drinking from her glass,. I drank too and leaned back in my chair, "What's it gonna hurt? Cmon." Rick said, obviously tipsy. "Cmon!" he said softly, I giggled a bit. It was good to see these people let go, we were always so tense. Lori smiled with wine in her mouth and shook her head taking her hand off Carl's glass making everyone laugh.

Dale took the glass and poured some into it, handing it back to Carl. We all grew silent waiting for Carl's reaction. I smiled at him as he drank a little bit. "Ew!" he said pulling the glass away from his mouth. We all laughed at his reaction. "That's my boy." Lori said taking his glass and pouring his wine into her own glass. "That's my boy." she repeated and put a hand on his back. "That's nasty.!" he said shaking his head and sticking his tongue out. I laughed a bit and looked down at my glass. "Well, just stick to soda pop there bud." Shane said. "Not you Glenn." Daryl said. "What?" Glenn asked. I looked back at Glenn. "Keep drinking little man. I wanna see how red your face can get." Daryl said. I gasped. "Ooohh me too!" i said softly and giggled looking at him. We all laughed some more and i stood up, walking over to Glenn. I sat down on the counter next to him.

"Here." i giggled giving him some more. "I hate you," he said. "You love me." i said and put the bottle down next to me. There was clinking and we looked up to see Rick standing up. "It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly." Rick said. "He is more than just our host." T-dog said holding his glass out, "Here, here." Dale said, We held or glasses up. "Here's to you doc. Booyah!" Daryl said. I laughed at him a little, Okay.. cute drunk. We all thanked and drank to Jenner. "So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here Doc?" Shane asked. Jenner told us he was the only one here and he was telling the truth, he showed us the computer labs and it was all empty. He was the only one here.

"All the- the other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they.?" Shane asked looking at his glass of wine. I drank a bit more from my glass, "We're celebrating, Shane. Don't need to do this now." Rick said sitting down again. "Whoa wait a second. This is why we're here right.? This was your move. Supposed to find all the answers, instead we-" he said chuckling a bit and pointing at Jenner with his thumb. "We found him. Found one man. Why.?" He asked as he stopped pointing, "Well, when things got bad, A lot of people just left, went off to be with their families." Jenner said. Glenn hopped off the counter and walked closer to Jenner, i stayed sitting on the counter.

"And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun the rest bolted." he said. "Every last one.?" Shane asked. "No. Many couldn't face walking out the door. They.. opted out. There was a rash of suicides, that was a bad time." He said. I raised an eyebrow licking my lips. "You didn't leave. Why.?" Andrea asked. "I just kept working, Hoping to do some good." he said. "Dude you are such a buzzkill man." Glenn said sitting down on a chair.

~After eating~

Jenner was leading us to wing where all the rooms were, the lights slowly started turning on as we walked down the hall. "Most of the facilities powered down, including housing, so you'll have to make do here. The couches are comfortable. But there are cots in storage if you'd like, There's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy," Jenner said and turned to Sophia and Carl. "Just don't plug in the video games okay?. Or anything that draws power." he said and looked at us. "The same applies, If you shower, go easy on the hot water." He said. I raised an eyebrow as he walked away.

"Hot water?" Glenn asked looking back at me. "That's what the man said." T-Dog said. "Ugh thank god." i said and we all walked to a room. I got undressed and went to the bathroom, taking my hair out of the ponytail it was in and looked at myself in the mirror. I haven't looked at myself in a while, I ran my hand through my hair though my hair and sighed. I took the picture of me and Luna out of my pocket and looked at it for a second, i placed it down then took my necklace off, putting it on top of the picture then got undressed and took a shower.


I got out of the shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, put my necklace back on and grabbed the picture walking back to my room. I can't believe we were actually here, this is the first safe place we've been at, it was quiet. We didn't have to worry about walkers in the night or little noises in the woods.. I hope we get to stay here for a good while.. This place has everything we need, it was crazy that Jenner was the only one here though.. There was a knock on the door, "Yeah," i said standing up. I put my picture face down on the nightstand and the door opened to reveal Carol and Sophia holding a blanket and a pillow. "Here you go," Sophia said handing me the follow. "Thank you," i said giving her a soft smile.

Carol handed me the blanket, "Thank you." i repeated. "You're welcome," She said giving me a soft smile. "You look pretty with your hair down." Sophia said. I smiled looking down at her, "You've never seen it down before huh?" I asked. She shook her head, "I like it." She said, "Thanks." i giggled, "Let's go to sleep," Carol said putting a hand on her back. "Goodnight guys," I said, "Goodnight," They said and walked out of the room. I closed the door and locked it then went to sleep.

 I closed the door and locked it then went to sleep

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