Chapter Two - Human Fascination

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As Ari and Flounder left Sebastian was still at the shipwreck to speak his mind all by himself.

"Ooo just wait til I get me claws on that Ari IM GOING TO CHOKE DA LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF HIM,
No I have to tell his father he'll clear dis mess up."

Meanwhile above the water a weird and awkward Sea-gull was hanging out on a rock. Out of nowhere Ari appears followed by flounder. "Oh hello Ari hiya Flounfer( This wasn't in the movie I added it cause I was bored) "it's Flounder!" The fish shouted back "I know I said Flounfer".Flounder sighed"My name know what never mind." "You're right never mind , humph poor child doesn't even know his own name."

Annoyed Ari interrupted the whole name discussion." I have something to show you." Scuttle stared at Ari's bag, Ari spoke up again "I got this "
The bird studied the fork carefully "Well Scuttle do you know what it is" Flounder asked "Of course I do Flounfer (flounder sighed) It's a dingle hopper!"

"A DINGLEHOPPER !?" Ari said curiously. "Sure humans use it all the time (Scuttle takes the fork though his hair making a wacky hair style) they just comb and then walla" (Scuttles hair falls out of place)

"Ohh" Ari said astounded by Scuttle's "Knowledge" of the human world. Flounder then interjected "Ari your dad , the ceremony!" "Oh my god Dad's gonna kill me!" Ari said knowing he's in trouble. As the friends rushed to the kingdom two eels were watching them in the distance there eyes were yellow and stared into the soul.

Ursula's Cavern
At the cave an evil sea witch named Ursula sat plotting. "Yes go see daddy ,hahaha Indeed in my day we had respect for ol Triton...when I lived in the kingdom."The witch thought as she ate a live creature "And now look at me wasting away to practically nothing...banished and exiled and also starving,while he and his fish folk are "celebrating"" A lightbulb lit in Ursula's mind. "Well Ill give them something to celebrate soon ENOUGH!!" "BABIES"
The eels showed up almost instantly as she ordered them to watch Ari.

Back at the palace
"I just don't know what I'm going to do with you." Triton started when he opened his mouth to speak Ari interupted"Dad I'm sorry I just forgot."

Sebastian now with the king unnecessarily interrupted "The thanks to you I am the laughing stock of the ENTIRE KINGDOM!" Then Flounder yelled at the crab "Hey it wasn't his fault,umm,umm-you see there was a shark and we tried... but we couldn't"(The fish went on til mention of a seagull) "Sea-gull!?" Triton questioned asked worriedly "You went to the surface!?"He continued "Y-you could've been seen by one of those BARBARIANS...those...those HUMANS!" Ari scoffed "Dad they're not barbarians." Ari claimed "Not another word."

As Ari swam of in tears Sebastian rose to speak.

"Teenagers they think they know everything, you give them an inch and dey swim all over." The king then hatched an idea "You're right he needs someone to keep an eye on him and you're just the crab to do it.


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