Okay this class keeps getting werider and werider.

Riley:(To Cory) I didn't do my homework, either.

Cory:Oh, really?

Riley:Yeah. We're the same, now. I don't believe in homework.

Cory:Guess what, Riley? That doesn't make you the same as Maya at all.

Maya:(Raises her hand) I have something to say.

I have a feeling this is going to get bad.

Cory:Wow, I don't know what to do, I've never seen this before. The floor's yours, Ms. Hart.

Maya:(Stands up and says to Farkle) Get up, Farkle. (Pulls on his sleep mask) You're gonna wanna be awake for this.

Farkle:(stands up) Is it our honeymoon?

Maya:No, you missed that. Now it's time to hand in our essays.

Mia: yeah, I'm definitely not doing that.

Maya:(stands in front of Mia's desk and glares at her)

Mia:( smirks at Maya and waves)

Farkle:Oh! Farkle goes first, Farkle always goes first! (Exits)

Maya:(To Cory's class) Alright, everybody who did their homework, put it on your desk. (Starts collecting)

Cory:Careful there, Ms. Hart.Riley:(To Maya) Are you sure about this?

Maya:I got this.


Farkle:(Enters with an extravagant project and says to Cory's students) The branding of Atlanta led to the end of the Civil War, and of peace. I believe that peace is worth fighting for. (Maya takes a sparkler off of his project and Farkle says to her) Hey, that's a pivotal part of my diorama! (Maya takes another sparkler) And there goes Virginia.

Maya:(To Cory's class) The burning of the homework led to the end of the Homework Rebellion, because there was no more homework. (Stands on a chair, about to burn the homework with the sparklers)

Cory:(Takes the homework from Maya) Alright, alright. That's far enough, Maya. I get it.

Maya:(Chanting with the class) No homework, more freedom! (The fire touches the sprinklers, which sets them off, then the fire alarm rings) Okay, so those work.

Farkle:Is this all part of your presentation, or is this actually going on? (Everybody flees the classroom)

Lucas:(Holding his jacket over him and Riley and says to her) Why didn't you stop your friend?

Riley:That's not what I do anymore!

Lucas:You're better than that!

Riley:I'm just letting her be her

Mia: well you shouldn't, because it seems that if your not there to stop her, she might get into a lot of trouble and you should always be there,no matter what she says.

Lucas:( looks at Mia with sad eyes)

Farkle:(Runs to the front of the classroom, climbing onto Cory)

Cory:(To Maya) Ms. Hart, you have detention. The principal will determine if it goes farther than that. (Maya steps down) (Cory says to Riley) Ms. Matthews, please leave.

Riley:I deserve detention, too!

Cory:No, you don't. You didn't do anything. And Because you didn't do anything, your best friend is in very big trouble. (To Farkle) Alright Farkle, you can get down now.

Farkle:Well, you're actually quite comfortable, sir.

Cory:Thank you... Get off!

Farkle:Farkle isn't going anywhere!

After this me and Lucas had already walked out into the hallway and we grabbed our stuff

Mia: hey Luke, want to go to my house.

Lucas: sure cowgirl, my parents are probably over there anyway.

Mia: yeah, your probably right, let's go cowboy.

Mia jumped on Lucas's back, he was use to it anyway and they took the subway and sure enough both of their parents were talking and laughing with each other.

Hey guys, it's about 3:30 am and I am going to write more later, I'm super tired and I hope you guys like the book so far.
Goodbye, until next time.

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