“I understand. I loved Erica with every fiber of my being, even though she was hard for people to get along with and she was a total pain in my ass, but you know what C.C? I miss her every day.” His voice was sad.

“I'm sorry you lost her so early in life, but it's not like that with Silas. He's very sweet, but has a temper. He spoils me, yet scolds me when I do something crazy, and he loves Maddy like she's his own child. He's amazing and I love him very much.” I felt my face flush as Silas looked at me with glazed over eyes that told me he'd always love me.

“That's wonderful C, I'm happy for you, and I look forward to meeting him. Grandma booked us a flight for this afternoon. Do you think you could pick us up from the airport around seven tonight?” I looked to Silas who nodded yes, and we finalized the plans before getting off the phone.

“He calls you C.C.” He stated blankly.

“Yes, I hadn't changed my name until after we left Montana.”

“You didn't correct him.” I was confused as to what he was getting at.

“No, I guess I didn't.” I looked at him with questioning in my eyes.

“Everyone here who has called you Cecilia or Miss Callahan has been corrected, by you, to call you Jasmine or J.J, so why not him?”

“I don't know really. It didn't bother me when Holden and his Grandma called me C.C. I'm confused as to what I should go by. I hate Callahan, but Jasmine Jansen was my fake alias to hide from my prick of a father, but he still found me, so I really don't need to hide anymore. Jasmine is my middle name, and legally my name is still Cecilia Jasmine Callahan. When I was young, my mother called me C.J, but my friends always called me C.C. My driver's license, if I ever get one, will say Cecilia. What would you prefer to call me?” I knew that I was rambling and needed to stop.

“Well honey, what would you like me to call you baby? It's up to you.” Somehow I knew he would put it back on me.

“Let's just stick to Jazz or J.J.” I gave him a small smile. We parked outside the mall and Silas took me by the hand and led me inside.

“I have to make a stop on the other side of the mall, so why don't you head into the toy store and I'll meet you in a little bit?” He kissed me and sent me off to shop.

I looked at a ton of clothes and toys, but didn't put anything in the cart because I was well aware of the fact that I had no money. After a half hour of wandering around in an irritated state, I felt warm familiar arms wrap around my waist. Silas had a small gift bag in his hand that was plain white and it had a small rectangular shaped gift that was wrapped.

“What's this?” I asked, pointing at the bag.

“One of Maddy's gifts from me. Why is the cart empty?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“I need a job.” I groaned out.

“Jazz, don't start.” He gave me a look of warning. “Start picking gifts, or I'll do it.” He snapped.

“Go for it, because I can't afford to get her anything.” I was feeling really emotional and hated that I couldn't afford to buy my own daughter presents for her birthday.

“You're going to regret that decision.” He murmured as he started throwing several outfits into the cart and went into the toy aisle. He put four baby dolls, a set of large building blocks, a stroller for the dolls, a toy bassinet, and a few stuffed animals into the cart with the clothes.

“Silas! She doesn't need all of that!” I exclaimed loudly.

“You just hush. You gave me the go ahead to get her whatever I wanted when you refused to pick her presents.” He smirked at me and I sighed loudly. We went to the register and my eyes bulged out of my head when the girl behind the counter said, “Your total today is $316.94, would that be credit or debit?”

"Silas, you cannot spend that much money on a two year old for her birthday!” I yelled, but he just rolled his eyes.

“Debit please.” He said to the cashier who wasn't hiding the fact that she was drooling over my mate. She swiped the card and handed it back to Silas, purposely brushing her hand against his while fluttering her eyelashes. When she handed him the receipt, I noticed that she had written her name and phone number on the back with a little note from her to call her. I couldn't hold my tongue anymore.

“Tara, is it? If you value your job, you will stop using it as a shallow attempt to pick up men! I'm his significant other and the mother of his child, and I don't appreciate watching you whore yourself out to my man.” I was gritting my teeth and trying to keep my wolf at bay as she was begging for blood.

“I...I... I'm so sorry.” She had tears in her eyes and I noticed that Silas was laughing.

“Come on baby, let's get all of this stuff home.” He smiled and took me by the hand to calm me down. Once we were out to the truck, he kissed me and laughed louder. “Sweetie, you're so cute when you're jealous. I thought that girl was going to piss her pants when your blue eyes turned dark gray. I thought you were going to snap and shift right there!”

“I'm glad you find me so entertaining. I wanted to rip that bitches head off.” I hissed out.

We went to his apartment to drop off all the gifts so they were out of the way and I noticed how bare it was. I looked around the apartment in amazement to see that he didn't have any pictures on his walls, no dining room furniture, not even a couch in the living room. It looked as if no one even lived there.

“Silas, why is your apartment so empty? All you have in the entire place is a bed and a dresser. You don't even have a T.V.”

“Because I sleep here and shower here, and lately, I haven't even been doing that. I don't cook, and since I've been with you at mom's lately, I don't even have food in the fridge. I spend most of my time down in the shop and with you. I always knew that I'd meet my mate and that when I did I'd buy a house so I didn't want to have a ton of shit to move when that time came. I'll probably start renting the apartment out to one of my mechanics and stay with you at my mom's until you graduate.” He smiled and kissed me. “You know, watching you chew that cashier a new one really turned me on.” He winked.

“well turn it off because we need to go back to the house and then pick up Mrs. H and Holden from the airport.” I giggled and swatted his shoulder.

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