Chapter 12

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Hello, fellow Fanders!

This is chapter 12 of Queer 'n Crazy, as you can probably tell. Just saying, this chapter does talk about sensative topics, so if you are triggered easily  I would strongly suggest not reading it. The summary will be at the bottom, however, and I'll try my best not to make it too troubling. :)  

As always thanks if you're reading this, and make sure you check the warnings!

WARNINGS : Talk of suicide, not hypothetical, slight panicking, death... I think that's it? Maybe? 


Virgil felt his stomach churn and bile build up in his throat. There were so many people, they were pressing in on him from all possible angles, suffocating him. The sheeer amount of bodies made him feel dizzy, and the only thing stopping a full-on panic attack was Patton's hand grasping his firmly. 

"C'mon, Virg. You're alright." Virgil just swallowed, his muscles tightening further. He kept his eyes fixed on his feet, trusting Patton to guide him through the masses.

They probably think you're crazy. 

The announcment had come over loudspeaker during their music period. An emergency assembly, for the whole school. Those words alone had been enough to get Virgil's adrenaline rushing, but now it was worse. He had seriously underestimated the amount of people at this facility. 

They couldn't fit into the hall that Virgil's orientation had been in, he should have known. That building was three quarters full with his year alone. It turned out, however, that the school had two auditoriums. The one he'd been in already was auditorium two, usually used for meetings and small-scale meetings. Auditorium three was rarely used, although the drama students had classes in there. It was supposed four times the size of the other one. 

Virgil brought his eyes up to see a crushing flow of bodies that seemed to go on forever. Patton gave his hand a little squeeze before leading him leftward. 

In the near distance Virgil could see a set of double doors with a huge 10 and 11 mounted on top of it. About 50 feet before them, the crowd split, about half of it going rightward, and the rest going left yet again, where two more doors were waiting. Virgil exhaled slightly as the crowd thinned, his hand going limp in Patton's as they joined what he assumed was the queue for the doors. 

Patton turned to him with a tight-lipped smile. 

"I wonder what all this is about." he said surveying the doors. "This place is huge." Virgil could only nod as he watched the rest of the school filter into their respective doors, which were on different levels. 

"Do you know where the other's are?" he asked, turning back to the round-faced boy in beside him. Patton squinted, scrunching up his nose to stare at the queue in front of them. He hummed, before shaking his head. He turned to Virgil. 

"Do you reckon we could find them in this?"
"Nah." said Virgil, one of his hands coming up to fiddle with his hoodie strings. "Can't help but hope, though."
"Don't worry, Virg! They're together this period, remember?" Virgil's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Patton. 
"They are?"
"Yup! They've got computing or something..." A voice wafted over the crowd toward them. 

"Hurry up, now! We need to get this over with quickly!" A guant-faced teacher called from the doors, directing people into the hall. The line had moved quicker than Virgil thought. 

He and Patton stepped into an absolutely massive theater, with three different seating levels. Virgil craned his neck to look at the balcony above them, and sure enough students were filing into those seats as well. 

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