Chapter 45

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Hello, fellow fanders!

Do I know what this chapter is? Absolutely not! But who cares. Enjoy the story!


So maybe barging into Patton's room without warning was a tad rude, but in his defence he wasn't aware that they were having a movie date.

"Oh crap-- uh-- sorry-
"Virgil!" called Patton happily, waving from his position in the corner.
"Are you gonna join us?" asked Roman. He was lying in between Patton's legs with his head against the other boy's chest. The scene was adorably domestic in a way that had Virgil's heart aching.

What the fuck?

"Um, no, I'm good. I'll just be leaving then-"
"No, wait!" said Patton, shifting slightly under Roman. "Why didya turn up if you were just gonna leave? You can hang out with us if you wanna?" Roman nodded in agreement.

"Uh, no seriously, guys, I'm good." said Virgil, his face warming. "I'll just be going now-"
"Virgil I swear on Anita's gingerbread if you don't tell me what's going on I'm never going to bake you cookies again."

Virgil shuffled his feet anxiously, his fingers curling in his pockets.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." adds Patton kindly.
"Yeah, we won't judge you or anything." says Roman.

Try and engage more if you know the people won't hurt you. It could help get rid of some of your irrational fears! chirped Emile's voice in his head.

"...I came here to yell at you because you gave Logan the flower crown." mumbled Virgil, kicking at the door frame. "He really liked it and he wears it a bunch and I can't handle it."

There was silence, and Virgil looked up to see Patton and Roman watching him with grins on their faces. The beginnings of doubt start to weave into his mind.

"Awwwwwww!" said Patton as Roman burst into raucous laughter. "That's so cuuuute!" Virgil felt a blush rise over his face and he snarled.
"Shut up, Princey." Roman just laughed harder. Patton giggled as he dodged his boyfriend's head.

"Come on, Ro! Cut the guy some slack." he said fondly, weaving fingers into Roman's hair.
"Did you hear him though?" Roman chortled. Virgil was about to walk out when Patton added, "Come sit with us anyway. Logan has debate, right? We're watching pirates of the caribbean."

Virgil perked up slightly.

"Are you sure?"
"Of course, shadowling." said Roman grandly. "Please, delight yourself with watching Elizabeth Swan kick some ass."

"I'll get snacks! Gimme a seck." Patton wiggled himself out from underneath Roman, and darted past Virgil into the room next door.

Virgil sat down next to Roman, leaving what he considered to be a decent amount of space between them. No offense to Roman and Patton, but he wasn't all too comfortable being that close to cuddling couples.

The movie played in front of them, throwing a dim kaleidoscope of colour onto the walls. Virgil snickered as he watched Jack Sparrow hanging from the line. He hadn't watched this movie in ages, but as they continued more and more scenes came to recollection.

"Hey, Virgil?" Virgil turned to face Roman, who was still watching the screen with a pondering expression on his face. "You're pretty close with Pat, right?" Virgil frowned.

"I mean, yeah, but you're his boyfriend."
"Heck yeah I am!" he said, his usual self-confident smile returning for a moment. "But seriously. Do you have any tips on how to, you know, cheer him up?"

Queer 'n Crazy (Sanders Sides Human! Au)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora