Chapter 50

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Hello, fellow fanders!

This was a lot harder to write than it should've been.

WARNINGS: Mentions of depression, hinted at eating disorders, I think that's all.


"Emo nightmareeeeeeee!"
"Roman if you don't get off of me I'm going to kill you."
Roman snorted from behind him. "From down there? I don't think so."
"You asshole-"

Logan watched them from where he was seated on Patton's bed, letting the other boy paint his nails.

"Should we stop them?"
"Nah, let them wear themselves out," Patton's tongue was stuck out between his teeth cutely as he placed a clear coat on the base of Logan's thumb. "They don't fight for longer than an hour anyway."

Logan hummed his disagreement and shifted his legs. "If I remember correctly, their longest disagreement was around two hours."

Patton raised an eyebrow.

"When he hid Virgil's hoodie."

Patton let out a laugh and straightened up. Logan watched him before blinking down at his nails, which had a dark polish laid over them. "Are they done?"
"I'm offended you think I'd stick with anything so basic," he deadpanned. "I'm just waiting for the coat to dry!"

"Hey how come you stopped painting your nails?" asked Virgil, distracting himself from Roman.
"Uh, my parents are sort of traditional? They know I paint them sometimes, but they don't exactly like it. They confront me about it whenever I do, so I figured I wouldn't bother this time."

Logan frowned.

"Limiting your self expression doesn't seem like a very nice thing to do,"
"My sister's really nice about it, and it's not like they're mean about it, they're just not used to it is all."
"Why not?"

"Logan," interrupted Virgil, noticing Patton's grip on his sweater paws.
"Why though? If you think they won't mind, then why not ask?"
"Lolo, I love you, but shut up."

"Lo, he doesn't want to," Logan looked at Virgil confused, but he ignored it. "So how was the weekend?" Patton's face lit up.
"It was great! A bunch of my relatives stayed over at my sister's house and we baked like three pies!"

"You have a sister?" asked Roman from where he was tossing M&M's into his mouth. "Since when?"
"Since I was born, silly!" said Patton, sorting through his collection of topcoats. "She's older than me, obviously. Got married when I was like, 12."

"That's a pretty big age gap," said Logan, holding his hand out for Patton to work on. Patton nodded, and unscrewed a glittery topcoat.
"You betcha. I'm the second-youngest out of all my siblings."
"How many of you are there?"

"That's a lotta pregnancies..."

Virgil blushed, and elaborated, "I mean, you mum would've been pregnant for like, 50 months..."
"45, actually."
"Thanks, Lo."

Patton chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so," he said nonchalantly. "They wanted a boy, and after they got me they wanted a brother for me to play with, so."
"Is your youngest sibling a boy?"
"Nope. She's a girl. But by that point the doctor was strongly advising my parents to just let it go, so." he shrugged.

"Four sisters?"
"Yup! They're all great. Kylee's basically our mum, the middle two are at university, and the youngest is going through her rebellious phase. It's cute!"

Virgil's nose scrunched up. The amount of times I've heard that phrase...

"How exactly is she rebelling?" asked Logan, seemingly interested now that the conversation had shifted to something akin to the psychology books that sat on his desk.

Queer 'n Crazy (Sanders Sides Human! Au)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz