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"That'll be XXXXXX" the cashier's eyes almost came out of her sockets.

Monica and I both handed our cards to pay.

"It's okay I got it" I pushed her hand aside.

"No really, I should pay, remember I'm #1" Monica threw the comment in my face.

"Lets let Lia decide" we both said at the same time.

We turned to Lia who was looking exhausted.

"Okay fine, you can pay" Monica gave in, she sighed before helping Lia leading her to the car outside.

I gleefully paid and pushed the carts outside with Sophia.

"You spoil the kids too much Ara,  no wonder you're their favorite aunt" Sophia chuckled while helping me put the stuff in the trunk.

"Tell me about it, all they ever talk about is about when Ara will visit them or when will we go visit their auntie Ara" Monica helped us put the bags inside the car.

"Even Taehyung can't wait to see Ara, she's his favorite sister in law. They always enjoy the surprises you prepare for the family" Lia said from inside the car.

"What can I say, I love you guys and your families, it makes me feel loved" I handed her a beverage and a packet of cookies.

"I think you'll always be the kids favorite auntie"

We finished loading the groceries and got in. Next stop, my house.


I drove up to my house being greeted by my whole security team.

"Wow, it's gorgeous!" The girls fawned over my house.

"It better be, I didn't pay millions for it to be ugly" I laughed while driving to the front of the house. I could see everyone's car in the drive-way.

The door opened revealing my brothers in-law and my cute nephews and nieces.

"Auntie Ara!" Jihoon & Hyunsuk (Lia's kids) ran into my arms.

"Hey there darlings! I missed you all so much!" I hugged them both.

"Auntie!" Yuxi & Jisung (Monica's kids) jumped on me taking me to the ground along with the other 2.

"I can see your Doaming blood is strong. I missed you both so much!" I kissed their cheeks.

"Tia Ara!" Leo and Isidro (Sophia's nephews) ran over to my side's closing all 8 of us in a hug. 

"How are my two favorite sobrinos?"

I held onto all of them. They may only be between 4-11 but they are the most precious people in my life.

"Ara!" Mia ran over to me helping me off the ground before jumping on my again knocking me down again.

"And my favorite Queen? I was wondering where you were?" I kissed her cheek.

"Good, I was just looking at your house, it's so chic!" She pulled out her phone showing me pictures she'd taken of herself in the mirrors.

"Haha thank you, it's a proper castle for a proper princess" I did a cute pose.

They all laughed at me giggling at my cheesiness.

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