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I grabbed my suitcase heading down to the lobby.

"There is the Princess of Yoon fortune" Seungjoon greeted me.

"Tell me Seungjoon, how long do I have before you have to tell Sehyung I'm here?" He took my suitcase from my hand.

"3 days, no more than that. He could have my head if he knew you where here and met me." He opened the car door for me.

Again I saw the girl standing at the hotel entrance. I buckled in waiting for Seungjoon who was calling on the phone.

"Before we leave Joon make sure your girlfriend knows I'm just a friend" I rolled down the window telling him.

He looked over at the girl before smiling at me.

We got on the road as he explained his plan to me. He told me all the details since his first day being in the North til the day I showed up. It was good catching up with him again, it felt like only yesterday when I arrived back in Korea and we had talked about Serious and her dating life.

After long twists and turns we finally made it to what seemed like a small village. He drove in the dirt roads stopping at a house with a blue gate.

"She's in there" he pointed his chin out.

"Leave the car along the road. We shouldn't cause much attention to her" He nodded and drove a couple houses down.

We got off the car walking side by side. It was more like a stroll actually.

"Alberto! What brings you here?" A woman with a group behind her approached us.

"Hello there, you ladies look even more splendid by the day" He greeted them cheekily.

"Oh hoho, you are too kind" they blushed.

I couldn't help but smile. "Alberto you were right, the woman in this village truly are gorgeous. All natural beauty" I bowed at them.

They took the compliment very good offering to show me around more Seungjoon said he'd wait in the car until seri was inside and then let me know.

"Tell me, are you and Alberto together?" A woman clung to my arm.

"Unfortunately no, we have different priorities at the moment, but we once were rather close. Maybe if fate is on our side we'll be together" I sighed in sadness.

"Dear we will pray for fate to bring you together" another one said making everyone agree.

I thanked them before telling them my situtation. "I would love to spend more time together but unfortunately I need to find a place to stay, Alberto went back to pyoyang taking my luggage with him" I acted distressed since I was, Seungjoon just sent me a text he had left back to the city to deal with a call from my brother.

"Angela you are welcome to stay with me, I have the biggest house in the village! I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind" She clung onto me more.

Now I don't have luggage just my handbag and money.

"Thank you so much! Do you happen to know where I can buy some clothes and shampoo for the night?" I looked at them pleading.

"Of course! We'll take you to the fish market they have all kinds of stands selling everything"

They dragged me to the fish market.

I soon left the women for a little looking for shampoo.

"Miss are you looking for beauty products?" A young woman vendor caught my attention. I nodded at her hoping it wasn't fake shampoo like the other stands.

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