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This is like a little background story to this whole plot. If you haven't watched the Netflix Series of 'Crash Landing On You' please do, it basically gives you a good understanding of everything that will go on throughout the book. But do note there will be changes.



"She's beautiful eomma" Se-ri looked at her younger sister.

"Of course she is, she's my daughter" Her mother looked at her precious little angel.

"Honey, what will we name her?" Mr. Yoon fawned over his newborn.

"Ara, Yoon Ara our beautiful princess."

"Yah Se-ri! Move! She's our sister" Sehyung pushed his half sister away from the baby.

Se-ri just watched from afar her baby sister, in her heart she wished her sister wouldn't be as mean as her brothers.

----------Age 15 Yoon Ara-------

"I hate acting like this. You know it ought to be time we end this whole show, it's tiring to hate you in-front of everyone. Can't you see how this affects me mentally?" Ara held Se-ri's hands in hers.

"Ara i know I will always have you by my side. But you must continue to act like Sehyung and Sejoon, for me, only then will i know if they ever plan to hurt me" 21 year old Se-ri felt a harsh pain in her chest at the mention of those thoughts.

"Fine if that is what you want, I'll always be with you unnie"

"Take care now, I will see you in a couple years" Se-ri and Ara hugged each other.

They walked out of the bathroom together. Both of them ignored each other as they walked up to their family.

"Ara take care our lovely sister" Sejoon her oldest brother hugged her.

"Sehyung take care of your sister" Their father hugged them before walking away. He was the one who suggested they study abroad together, although his wife neglected the idea that her only daughter leave her side, he pushed forth her enrollment in England's Academy.

"I will father, I wont let anything or anyone bother my only sister" He side hugged her. Ara felt like punching him but knew if she did they'd know she actually doesnt hate her sister.

"Dont bother calling me, the both of you. I blocked your numbers." Se-ri spoke a little hurt before leaving with her security team.

Ara wanted to run after her older sister and give her one last hug before she left. But her mother hugged her instead.

"Take care my beautiful child. I will visit you every year" Her mother cried on her shoulder.

The goodbye's ended and she boarded the plane with her 2nd oldest brother, Sehyung. She knew he was the one who had hurt Se-ri the most, making her want to be closer to him to protect her sister from him and his girlfriend.

______ Age 25 Ara_____

"Welcome back to Korea Ara" Sang-ah her sister in law greeted her at the airport.

"Nice to see you, how is my brother?" She acted coldly to the woman who married her 2nd oldest brother. Ara hated the idea of their marriage but he chose to marry her despite being the worlds worst person.

"My husband is waiting in the car for us" She walked behind Ara.

Ara wore her designer clothes catching the attention of everyone in the airport. She knew how beautiful she was so decided to ignore them and put her shades on.

The chauffer opened the door for her as she got into the car.

"We are in autumn Ara, why are you wearing shades?" her brother greeted her as she got in the car. Her sister in law sitting in the front with the chauffer.

"Being Beautiful is like this. We must show off our wealth, next time you send Sang-ah to greet me buy her a flashy necklace to match the rest of her clothes" I texted on my phone.

I knew it had made Sang-ah mad but who cares. She insulted Se-ri last week at her dinner with the corporates.

"Did father tell you why he is calling us all for dinner?"

"No, I'm sure its to celebrate he is out of probation" I laid my head back against the seat. In England i would be sleeping already.

"He is announcing his successor tonight, He ordered Se-joon to have Se-ri join us as well" Sang-Ah seemed annoyed.

"I'm sure he will choose Sehyung, Sejoon is too dumb for his own good" I praised my brother. I know Se-ri is more capable than all of us but still, Imust stay close to my brothers side to protect Seri from him and his bitch of a wife.

"I knew i could count on my favorite woman in the world" Sehyung held me close to his side.

"speaking about this, did you buy the house i told you?"

Before coming back i transferred Sehyung money to buy this mansion i liked so much.

"Of course we did Ara, I made sure everything was done perfectly for my lovely sister"

I saw Sang-Ah roll her eyes at us. She knows my house is more expensive than hers since i am richer than her, that only makes her hate me more.

"Take me home then, I will see you both later at dinner"

He nodded and gave the order. I watched as we drove into the private neighborhood. I got off and asked Sang=ah for the keys. She hesitantly handed them over.

"Sehyung Oppa please deliver the contract tomorrow. My lawyer will make sure everything is in order" I hugged my brother.

"I dont have the contract, Sang-ah took care of it"

"The house is under my name since I was there to sign the contract, it will take weeks to change the Ownership" She smirked at me.

"Well then. What should we do about it?" I took my sunglasses off to look at her.

"we will have to wait to hand the ownership over to you" She smiled at me innocently.

"We could.... If the contract isn't in my hands today by dinner i will have to sue you dear Sang-ah. By tomorrow morning you will be arrested along with my beloved brother for your actions." I threatened her. "Sehyung Oppa, please make sure you make this a priority, I expect all the documents tonight."

He looked at his wife mad before reassuring me.

"Oh and Sang-ah! I would suggest you also dispose of the spare key you made for the house. I will change the locks and hire full security, just a heads up" I smiled at them before walking into the house.

As for Sehyung he yelled at his wife for making such a stupid mistake.

Ara walked into her house amazed at how beautiful it was. She got on the phone with her assistant who had moved to Korea with her, she asked for a security team and that her chauffer pick her up soon.

"I can't wait to see Se-ri!"

Although she was now older her emotion to see her sister never faded.

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