1 Week

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Today marks week 1, one week after Seri disappeared. We will be holding the board member conference today to decide the new CEO.

Everyone was tense except me, I've been focusing on Se-ri not our stupid family fortune, Sang-ah has tried taking over Seri's choice already thinking my brother will be the new CEO. The have no shame in wanting to have everything for themselves.

"The votes are in." Father announced to us all.

I looked up at him through my sunglasses. Why do I wear them all the time? Because it makes me more confident and makes me look badass.

Sehyung sat beside me. We agreed that if I won he would help me manage the company together.

"We have a tie. 35 for Ara and 35 for Sehyung" father looked perplexed.

Sejoon and his wife tried objecting.

"What do you two think?" Father looked at me. He knows it's been my dream since I was small to be a CEO, but right now I need to figure out what Sehyung knows about Se-ri.

"I think we can manage our company together, isn't that right Sehyung Oppa?" I looked straight ahead.

"Ara is correct. We will do it together " he smiled at everyone.

We went to the front and took pictures together as the new CEO's.

Father talked to us before leaving us to start working.

"Nice act Ara, let's hope we can manage the fortune together" Sang-ah talked to me.

"I believe it's just my brother and I. You are after all the head of queens group" I smiled at her.

"Soon I'll take Se-ri's choice too. We will choose a new CEO tomorrow" she smirked at me before leaving.

I got on my phone calling my lawyers. They said I could also run for CEO if I wished. I called Soojin informing her to get my statistics in a fancy portfolio for tomorrow. I'm not about to lose Seri's choice to a nobody.

I walked down to the parking lot meeting my brother at the elevator.

"Good job Ara. I knew I could always count on you. Let's hope Seri doesn't comeback from the dead." He joked. I knew he knew something. This only conforms my suspicions more.

"I'm sure she's dead. Father will be announcing her death next week" I played along seeing if I could get something from him.

We reached the parking lot with our guards waiting for us.

"Miss Ara! Miss Ara!" I looked over to a man yelling my name.

Sehyung freaked out sending his guards to shut them up. "Pay no attention to them" Sehyung gently pushed me towards the car.

"Miss Ara! Seri is alive!"
"She's alive!"

They both yelled being taken down by the guards. I got in the car along with Sehyung.

He looked so mad.

"You knew didn't you? Where is she?" I looked away from him towards my phone. It's the best way to make him think I'm siding with him. He's too dumb to notice when I'm faking anyway.

"What are you talking about? They are just crazy employees hoping they won't lose their jobs" he fiddled with his fingers. That's the first sign of him lying.

"Such a tragedy. If we knew where she was we could make sure she never comes back" I hated acting for this, I care too much for my sister. Unfortunately there's no way of getting anything out of Sehyung if you're not as ruthless or mean as him.

"Ara I think you've gone mad. How could you say something like that" He pretended to be mad.

"Fake being mad Sehyung, you know it would benefit us if she didn't come back" I got off the car as we arrived at Subway.


"Ara some employees of Seri's choice came to leave this here for you" Soojin walked into my office.

"What is it?" I kept reading through some papers.

"They say you have to listen to it" She handed me a USB.

I dismissed soojin and inserted the USB into my computer.

The first thing to pop up was a voice recording. I played it.

"...seri-one..." I cried to hear my sister's voice calling for help. I opened some documents seeing that the recording came from North Korea.

"Soojin, have the men who dropped this off dragged to my office. I want them here as soon as possible" I called soojin.

"Right away miss"

I hung up calling my close friend in the European embassy.

"I need my European citizenship to request entry to North Korea. Under no circumstances can anyone find out"

"Ara are you sure? I thought you were switching your citizenship to Korean"

"Change of plans. I want to get away from my annoying siblings for a while, and they can't get into North Korea without waiting a long period of time" I tried to sound convincing.

"Okay, I'll call you back later, I'll see how soon we can get it processed"

"Make sure to put down that I have international businesses so they can make the process faster"

"Trust me, only good things about you in this application"

I thanked him before the guards came in with two gentlemen, one chubby I think he works for Se-ri and another short and looks like a total mess.

"Leave them here. Please make sure no one knows they are here and block anyone from coming in" I told Soojin who was behind the guards.

She nodded and walked out.

"What do you two know about my sister?" I sat down on my chair.

"Miss Ara she is alive! Seri is alive!" The short guy looked like he was going to cry.

"Why should I believe you? For all I know you could be faking this recording just to get money from me"

"Miss Ara he more than anyone wants to find Miss Seri, we have no intention to ask for money" the chubby guy talked.

"Where is she then?"

They explained everything to me about their theories and the evidence they had. I really like this short dude, he seems to have a good intention towards finding my sister.

I listened to them carefully before warning them to not tell anyone about this.

I got a call back from my Embassy friend telling me I could enter in three days. I thanked them and headed home.

"I'll find you Se-ri" I got in my car and drove home.

I packed some appropriate clothes in my suitcase. I also let Soojin know I would be making an unexpected trip to Europe because of a business conflict. She agreed to help me by informing all my staff that I was out on a business trip.

I then called father and mom telling them about my unexpected departure back to England for a couple weeks. They couldn't do anything more than tell me to be safe.

I had my FBI friend help me fly to North Korea without anyone finding out. He informed the pilots about our privacy who agreed without hesitation.

"I won't let Se-ri down" I laid on my bed waiting for the day to be over.

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