North pt2.

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"We have a hotel for you in Pyoyang, be sure to follow the laws and if you get called out just pretend you don't know korean" Augustine talked to me over the phone.

"Yes captain sir, Don't worry I'll bring you back a souvenir"

I got ready and boarded the plane. I sat next to this older man. To my luck we didn't seem to separate even on the plane from Russia to North Korea.

I got off the plane being greeted by alot of woman in uniforms. I followed the crowd and made it outside. There I called for a cab driving to the hotel.

I checked in and headed to my room.

As an instinct I checked the room for mics, of course I found all them before heading to shower.

I changed clothes and headed downstairs to the restaurant, ordering a steak.

Where would I even start. They said the signal came from the mountain close to the border which is...

I let my FBI skills to work.

"Excuse me Miss the gentleman over there sent this cake" a young lady placed a cake in front of me.

"No thank you, I'm allergic to chocolate" I lied making her nod and take the cake back. One can never trust random men.

"Miss he sent this beverage for you"

I dismissed her once more. I finished my meal paying for it and heading outside to wander.

"Lovely day isn't it?" Some beside me talked.

"I'm sorry I don't speak your language"  I spoke In English.

"Sure Ara,  I assume you're suddenly not korean"

I looked over at the male. He smiled at me.

"Pleasure seeing you here Seungjoon. I can only assume you're hiding from my brother who wants you dead " I smiled back hitting his shoulder

" Wait. I don't suppose he sent you to kill me did he?" He laughed putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Honey. If he wanted you dead then you'd already be dead" I pushed his arm off of me walking outside the hotel.

Seungjoon definetly knows something if he thinks I've come to kill him.

"Are you here to make sure I do what he told me to do then? I don't suppose you're actually here to help Se-ri get back to South Korea. After living in her shadow for so long you'd think you'd finally enjoy this time without her" Seunjoon but his arm around my waist pulling me away from crashing into North Korean Officials.

There it is. The truth. Sehyung knew about Se-ri but hid it. Here he is negotiating Seungjoon's life in exchange for him keeping Se-ri here.

"If only, I wanted to make sure she's okay, you know I don't have the heart to hate her for everything my fathers done to me because of her. She is my sister after all"

"What will you do then? Seri knows you hate her, there's no way she'd trust you."

So he knows where she is.

"She can think what she wants, I'm just here to convince her to stay while we figure a way to bring her back safely. If she knew all the trouble I went through just to be here with her she'd surely trust me. There's no doubt that I'm here to help her, unlike you" I walked back to the hotel.

"Guaw Yoon Ara, you're good. No wonder your brother trusts you so much. You're almost as bad as Sang-ah but prettier" he chuckled at me pinching my cheek.

"Don't compare. I'll always be better. You should sleep now, I'll wait here for you at 9am. So you can take me to Seri" I informed him.

"As long as you help me keep my head I'll take you there personally in my car." He smiled at me kissing my hand.

"Trust me, I'd never let anything happen to you. After all I do have to repay all those years of you caring for me in Europe." I hugged him before heading upstairs to my room packing everything again.

I missed Seungjoon, maybe that's what he meant with the text he sent me days ago.

It's only a matter of time before Sehyung finds out about me being here, but lucky for me I already have my lie configured.

I also noticed a familiar girl looking at us with glaring eyes. She definitely has a thing for Seungjoon.

I fell asleep knowing I'd be reunited with Se-ri soon.

Hold on Unnie... I'm coming..

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