Chapter Four

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Zelda's Point of View

"Link..." My breathless voice breathed, but only came as a mere whisper. My eyes are hazy, but I see him.

"Link..." I repeat over and over, his name, in hopes he would turn and find me. It was only a matter of time... Time... My Hero of Time... Hear my plees...

But as I pleaded, I saw a different yet familiar face... Dark gray hair... Red eyes... And the face of my Hero...

He smiled.

I woke up with a start. I shot up in my bed, cold sweat running down my face and my breath heavy. What was that all about? I hadn't had a nightmare since Ganon's reign. All I wanted was a simple nap before dinner.

With a groan, I stood from my bed and made my way to the bath to bathe. I was very happy that Link and I would spend dinner together. His smile was so dreamy and his face was mesmorizing. I felt my cheeks get hot thinking about it. I giggled like a school girl and got ready, wanting to be beautiful for him.

As I bathed I thought of our encounter early that day. He rubbed my knuckled so tenderly and kissed my forehead. It was more of a loving gesture, I concluded. If there were guards there, he wouldn't have done that... Right? I was so confused... I hated being a teenager.

I was only one year away from becoming elegible to be the queen... Which meant I would mean that I had to marry a man. My mind skimmed through all of the country's princes that surrounded Hyrule. I rolled my eyes to myself and dried myself. All of the others were obsessed with power... How would I ever find a suitable man to marry?

I pushed all of the future worries into the back of my mind. It was time to go and meet my Hero. My Hero. I loved saying that. I pulled my best smile and practically skipped my way to the dining room.

I calmed before I entered, and upon entering, Link was there, sitting in his spot across from me. Link came over and pulled my chair out for me as I sat.

"Link... How are you?" Zelda asked him as the waiters brought us huge menus of everything the chefs could make for them.

"I'm doing well, my Princess, and yourself?" Link asked politely. Oh, he made my heart sore and gave my sto.ach butterflies.

"I-I'm doing okay." I blushed slightly and began to stutter. 'Oh god... Why?!' I thought. I could tell Link noticed because he smirked ever so slightly. But he didn't say anything as he looked through his menu.

As I looked through mine, I tried to hide my face. I heard a soft chuckle from Link. He had noticed me hiding!

What an embarrassing night...

Link's Point of View

Zelda must be the most adorable girl I have ever met. I couldn't help but chuckle as she tried to hide herself from me. I reached over and gently tipped her menu down to see her face. It was bright red. I smirked playfully and tsked.

"Tsk tsk... Miss Zelda, you don't need to me so embarrassed. I'm only a man." I winked at her and looked through my menu again. I only spoke like that to her when no guards were around.

Because she would be a Queen with a King soon, I didn't want to anger the castle by flirting with her. It wasn't polite. So, I decided to keep our flirting a secret. And I knew Zelda silently acknowledged it.

Waiters soon came to take our orders. Zelda ordered a glass of red wine (alcohol was legal at the age of sixteen, and a good choice on Zelda's part, if you know what I mean), and I ordered a glass of white wine. Together we were sharing crab cakes with garlic herb mashed potatoes and carrots.

As the waiters left, I looked to Zelda. It was time to discuss why I wanted dinner with her, and not just because I wanted to.

"Miss Zelda... What do you plan to do with these increasing crimes? I will be there to protect you, of course, and I will do it at all costs, but what about these other women?" I asked, slowly taking her hand across the table. I felt her hand tense up, but she slowly calmed and squeezed my hand gently.

"I know... I know, Link... I don't know what to do!" Zelda whined a little. I knew that she was getting comfortable around me, and not speaking as proper. I liked that she could relax around me.

"Shh... It's all right." I reassured her by rubbing her knuckles with my thumb again.

"Link... I've been thinking... Will you be the Hylian Captain? You can stay here... And you don't have to pay for a thing. You can attend meetings and..." Zelda paused. My eyes widened, hearing all of this information. A Royal Captain? It was certainly an honor, and I could protect Zelda in the process. But... She said 'And' when she ended her statement.

"And what, Miss Zelda?" I whispered softly, leaning forward to hear whatever she had to say. I was on edge, wanting so badly to hear her sweet voice.

"I... You can be with me..." Zelda whispered very softly, almost inaudible. But I heard every word. Her and I both knew we couldn't be together publicly. It wasn't forbidden, but very much frowned upon, and could be revolted by the Hylian Council.

"Link... I am so desperate... I need you here with me... I can't run this country alone..." Zelda pleaded, taking my hand tightly. I started to hear the waiter's footsteps coming with their meal.

"Shh... My Zelda, we'll talk about this after dinner... No one must know." I whispered and kissed her hand softly before leaning away again.

I started to talk about the recent crimes again to make sure the waiter wasn't suspicious. I was so distracted about her plees for me that I probably wasn't making any sense.

Oh Zelda, my Zelda, I'd do anything for you. But for now, we must be in secret.

Enchanting Love: A ZeLink StoryWhere stories live. Discover now