Chapter Seven

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Zelda's Point of View

"You're my everything..." I heard him whisper against my ear, his husky voice making the hairs on the back of my neck stand. "All mine... Mine... And no one else's..." He whispered, gently kissing my ear.

I saw nothing except a cold darkness surrounding me, but felt something tight around my waist, almost holding me down. I instantly knew that the voice that whispered to me belonged to Link, and felt a reassured feeling that everything was okay. The darkness screamed that this was a nightmare, but I knew it was my fantasy dream...

As I was drifting in dreamland, I hadn't noticed that the lights had flicked on. There was one single bulb in the middle of a cold, damp, cellar, and the light casted a dreary and frightening setting.

Link was not there, holding my hips, as I imagined. There was a freezing, tight bar holding me to the wall, and chains holding back my arms and legs. Also... I was naked. I started to panic until Link stepped out into my view, a wild, sadistic smirk playing on his lips. He stepped towards me slowly, holding something behind his back. I smiled and laughed. He was going to save me!

"Link! My Hero! Thank the Goddesses!" I cheered, laughing. He walked over to be, suddenly laying his hands on my hips. I stop laughing abruptly, and I looked shocked. "Link...? What are you doing?" I asked quietly, looking up at him with big, sad eyes. Would he...?

"Shh. You've been a bad girl. Don't you know that you're mine?" Link chuckled darkly and pulled a whip from behind his back. I gasped as he gently ran the whip across my bare stomach. I twitched in fright and whimpered.

"M-My hero... What are you doing?!" I cried.

"I have told you many times that you were mine. Mine and mine only. Now, you are being punished for being a bad girl." Link explained, and I looked confused as ever.

"L-Link stop...!" I begged as he pulled the whip back. "L-Link!" I yelled now, and he cracked the whip on my delicate stomach as hard as he could.

The last thing I heard was my own piercing scream.

I jumped with a start in my bed, sweating, shaking, doing my best to recall and process what I had just witnessed.

Link... whipping me? I was naked? Punishment?! He seemed angry, like I had done something he did not like. Like I was his pet. His possession.

I shook my head. What an embarrassing thought! How could I ever think or dream about Link doing such... Sadistic things to me. It was horrible.

With my night now ruined, I slumped out of my bed and checked the clock. It showed that it was 3:42 AM, only a few hours until sunrise. Then I shall watch the sunrise. I turned the lights on and sat at my table, looking into the mirror in front of me

I had to brush the thoughts aside. It was only a crazy dream. I was drinking a little, the night before, at Link's ceremony, so maybe that could have done the trick.

Now a sudden realization popped into my mind. I had my first kiss last night... With Link. He started to get so into it, I had to stop him. He was twenty-three, and myself only sixteen. Even though I was the Princess and he was the Hero, and now Hylian Captain, our relationship would still bring up questions.

Thoughts of Link boggled my mind until there was a soft knocking at my door. I froze, 'Who could that be?' I got up, opening the door slowly and peering out... It was Link

"I'm sorry for bothering you, Your Majesty, but I had heard your whimpers and cries from my room... I needed to make sure you were okay. May I come in?" Link asked quietly. I nodded meekly, opening the door. He wore an off-white shirt, that defined his muscles and abs beautifully, if I might add, and some beige bottoms.

Enchanting Love: A ZeLink StoryWhere stories live. Discover now