Chapter Thirteen

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Zelda's Point of View

I gasped as Link choked, ready to get up and help him, but he recovered on his own. He stood up, slamming his fists onto his desk, making me cringe. Link began to pace about the room, his hands on his face, forcing himself to calm down. He did have anger issues sometimes. I sat quietly, my hands in my lap, looking down at my knees.

"Link..." I started, but he held his hand up.

"Don't. Let me calm." Link growled out with clenched teeth, glaring at me. I flinched and sighed shakily.

After ten minutes of his pacing, Link had managed to calm down and sit back at his desk. His elbows were on the surface and he held his head before looking at me.

"Zelda... Why... How could you decide such a thing after our night together? After I kissed you and told you I loved you? And that I would do anything in my power to save you?" Link asked, looking now depressed. I had never seen Link like that, and my eyes widened, tearing up. But I had to protest.

"Link I'm sorry... But I can't order my soldiers to their deaths! And what if all of our soldiers were wiped out, and Lander's troops slaughter our men and rape our women? We cannot think about ourselves! You're thinking very selfishly!" I screamed at Link, a new wave of anger flushing over me. Link looked shocked and almost scared. I growled and turned away from him. "You make everything so hard. I had always thought that love would never effect me, and that if I stayed isolated from it, it would leave me alone. That worked for a while..." I explained. I knew Link was listening because I heard him sit back in his chair. "Every day a new man would try and win my heart. I declined everyone, thinking about only my position. My decisions were always crucial. I'm the only ruler, so whatever I decide, goes. Whether it was to destroy ourselves or not. I never had anyone by my side to help me, and I was okay with that..." I looked at him. "And then when I was kidnapped, you came along. You... Saved me, and made me fall in love with you. This is all your fault... If it wasn't for you blocking my instincts, then everything would be okay. Lander was jealous... So he had to have more. It's your fault, Link. And you'll have me take the downfall." I exclaimed to him, and he looked hurt. Very hurt. I could see tears welling up in his eyes. I didn't care. I was broken, too. Everything was shit.

I turned away once more and walked out of his office. I couldn't see him anymore. I couldn't be with him anymore. He sucked out my intelligence and replaced it with soppy love. I cannot love Link anymore. And I will force myself to do so.

Link's Point of View

I listened. That's all I could do with my power. I felt so helpless, so small. And all I could do was listen. And then obey. I couldn't go after her. Her decision was final. If this was how it was going to go, then so be it. I will also do everything in my smaller power to re-phrase her decision. I had the perfect plan to support the idea.

Once I knew Zelda was probably out of the hallway, I got up and sprinted to the barracks. Men and soldiers were training, and I was happy with it.

I soon frowned, knowing that there was going to be big changes soon if I didn't do anything. My men had no idea. Once I was inside of the barracks, I saw General Trune teaching a lesson to beginners who pursue to be Zelda's Knights. The Hyrule Council decided to hire a General- who is under my control as well- to teach and train the protectors of Zelda, while I train those who will fight in battles.

"Trune, excuse my rude entrance, but their is... An urgent matter that we need to discuss." I explained quickly as the students chatted amongst themselves. Trune huffed and turned, walking into the hall with me.

"What is it? Captain, I am a busy man. And hearing about Lander's appearance yesterday... It's worrying everyone. Citizens think you're keeping things from them." Trune explained, stopping me in an isolated part of the hall. I sighed heavily, nodding.

"Zelda and I... We are hiding things. But it isn't on purpose. We were forced to." I explained, seeing shock spread across Trune's face.

"Do you know what's been going on? Lander's troops are lingering, leaving the people to talk and become scared. Scared citizens lead to uprisings with the right leads for the job, Captain. What do you plan to do? What happened in that meeting?" Trune exclaimed quietly and I couldn't help but sigh again.

"Lander... Threatened to destroy Hyrule or he gets to marry Zelda and inherit Hyrule as an extention of his country." I explained and Trune looked angry.

"A choice? So what did she choose?"

"Zelda said she'll marry Lander. She just told me that now. And... I'm going to let her go along with it." I closed my eyes, beginning to walk with him outside. As we walked on the path, all around us, elite soldiers trained recruited troops. Hyrule had a large army, but it was nothing compared to Lander's troops.

"Everything has gone to shit." Trune growled. I nodded in agreement.

"But... I have a plan. And I need your help, General." I turned to him. "I need you... To bring a small group of elite soldiers together. Lander will expect me to be at the... Wedding, but I plan on a secret mission to steal Zelda, then attack his country." I explained and looked away. Trune stared at me.

"So... Your ultimate goal is...?" Trune whispered.

"To assassinate Lander on his wedding day." I smirked.

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