immature friends

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alright rant #1 lets fucking gooooo

"immature friends"

ok literally i love my friends to death like more than anything in the world but sometimes im like dude. channel mikey and take a cup of calm the fuck down

they can be SO immature

like the other day i was talking to my friend connor who i kinda like idk and they were like "oooh lily get it" and i was like the fuck man come on

and they thought it was super funny that they ruined my fucking life like bitch no how bout i do that to you and see how you feel

ugh. i mean i talked to connor and we're all good ((denied every evidence of likingness basically)) but DUDE

they're just going to do it again so my two options are:
1) start dating connor
2) get new friends
and since my face exists looks like we're going with option #2 :(

k bye

xoxo lily

fuck ya chicken stripsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя