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hi ok

so the #dontjudgechallenge really is getting on my nerves

if you don't know what it is it started as a challenge where teens were speaking out against body shaming which i was like "cool thumbs up" but now it's turned into a huge joke

probably how you'll see it now is like a vine where at the beginning the person makes themselves look "ugly" (fake zits, bad makeup, weird hairstyle) and then they wave their hand over the camera and their problems are magically corrected

and i have a lot of issues with this

first of all, the whole point of this challenge was so people could see you as you really are, not making yourself look worse than you would ever look. like??? you're never ever going to go out with your hair in three different ponytails on your head

second, acne should not make you look "ugly"!!!! it's a thing! everyone gets zits so why are we acting like they make you look like frickin medusa or something

i'm just really upset about this ok like there is beauty in everyone even in the things u hate about urself. i have really thick eyebrows... but i like them and i have pretty eyes i think. i don't understand why our society has to focus on the negative aspects of ourselves.

ok bye guys!! you all are absolutely be-you-tiful ((ha see what i did there?? be you?? ok nvm))

xoxo lily

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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