@ slut shamers: tf???

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hi ok this is something that realllllly bothers me so it's going to be like an actual rant

the actual definition of 'slut shaming' (according to a few different definitions from the always accurate urban dictionary) is: the act of putting a woman down for having sex with too many people or acting in other slutty ways.

before i talk about the annoying fact that they don't include men as EVER behaving in this way let's just start off with the main point:


as women we should build each other up not tear each other down ja feel? and a lot of the time this goes from girl to girl like "omg jenny's such a slut she sleeps around!!!"

we have to stop shaming women for their choices!! if jenny likes sex and can have sex a decent amount GOOD FOR HER! if a girl has sex drunk, that's her choice. if a girl has sex sober, that's her choice too. if a girl doesn't want to have sex at all, guess what? that's her choice and we need to stop judging her for it.

also as a woman i am personally offended by the fact that every definition on urban dictionary specifically stated that it was only a woman who could act this way. men can have sex with a bunch of people too and you know what? he'd get praised for it like "nice one bro you banged so many hot chicks!!!" ((ignore my attempt to talk like a fuckboy ok))

the reason that men aren't in the definition is because they are fundamentally brought up to think that sex is their right and women are not ((which pretty muchs stems from the middle ages and before when all that wifely duty stuf came around))

moral of this rant/tl;dr: slut shaming is bad. don't shame women for their personal choices.

k im done lily out

stay happy!!

xoxo lily

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