getting punished for having ovaries

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literally its probably the worst thing ever

like when i have my period i get THE WORST cramps everrrrrrr and i throw up every time and take wayy too much advil and painkillers

and i get super moody and bitchy ((like @ god why punish me with every single period symptom ever right??)) and it ruins my life for like 5 days a month every frickin time

so yesterday i was supposed to be hangin out w this guy who i reallllllly like right? and then i felt really sick and figured out i had my period

and he calls up and is like "sorry i just found out i can't make it bc my granddad's really sick can we reschedule" (he was actually really worried so i gave him a pass) and so i was like yh whatever and i hung up the phone

and then just started sobbing

like what???

so basically my body confuses me, i'm still bloated and slightly moody and cramps are making me feel like killing myself

stay happy!!!! (unlike me)

xoxo lily

fuck ya chicken stripsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt