And most importantly, the question that was maybe tugging at her mind the longest, what would his relationship to the baby be? Joey and Charlie continuously called him Alec. They didn't know the truth behind their relationship. And of course that's what the adults had agreed on. They wanted to keep things relaxed, get the girls used to his involvement before they announced he was their father. But what if they haven't done it before the baby arrives? Will he be known as the baby's father but not to the twins?

Teddy's daydreams were cut short with a small knock to the stairway door. Turning slightly she spotted Alexander leaning against the wall with his arms crossed carefully watching her. His lips turned upwards into a smile and his shaggy hair was relaxed and styled across his forehead.

"Lost in thought?" Alexander asked, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards her. His slender legs were cased in a pair of black jeans and a checkered plaid shirt was tucked in at the belt. Gazing over the women before him, his eyes settled on her protruding stomach. "Is that..." he couldn't even speak the words; his entire focus was on the bump.

With a small chuckle Teddy gave a nod "yeah" she spoke with a small blush. "Sorry, I can put on something baggier if... you don't want people to see or anything." She was embarrassed and found herself submitting to his every will. Her every bone itched with worry. Concern over not only what Alexander would think or feel about the visible baby, but also about how the town was bound to ask questions now that it was noticeable.

"No!" Alec answered quickly, his eyes shooting up to lock with Teddy's. "This... it... you're perfect. Just like this." Tentatively he took another step towards her. Slowly he lowered himself to his knees and glanced upward, "may I?" he asked gently his hand reaching out to touch her belly.

Teddy smiled softly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "of course."

With a beaming smile Alexander moved his hand forward and rested his palm against Teddy's middle. He nibbled on his bottom lip as he moved his thumb against the soft fabric incasing the bump. "Wow" he whispered gently glancing up at Teddy to lock eyes with her. "That's incredible."

Teddy gave a little giggle "just wait until you feel them kick."

"Them?" Alec stumbled quickly away from her as though the wind was knocked right out of his chest. His eyes grew wider with shock and his mouth hung slightly open.

Unable to resist, Teddy burst out laughing "oh Alec." She panted out fits of laughter and wiped slowly at her eyes that had now formed tears. "Them, as in gender neutral. Not more than one." The women laughed more as she gave her head a shake. "You don't have to look so terrified. I promise there's only one baby."

"Yeah but like Charlie and Joey. That was two babies. What if it's two babies again?" Alexander took a deep breath as he was speaking quickly. "What are we gonna do? Is there enough room for two? We would need to buy more things. Two babies is twice as many... everything!"

Reaching forward Teddy gently squeezed his shoulder "Alec, relax." She spoke softly, struggling to hide the need to giggle again. "I've been to my ultrasound. There is only one baby I promise. The doctor would've seen by now if there were more than one. I only said they because I don't want to call my baby an it, and I don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet."

Alec took a deep breath and sealed his eyes shut tightly for a moment. Giving a small nod he allowed his shoulders to relax. "Okay yeah, that makes sense." The man slowly opened his eyes and forced a smile. "I guess I had some pre-parental panic."

"That's understandable" Teddy gave a little giggle, "I know I've felt that way too.  Especially during my first pregnancy."

Alexander had opened his mouth as though he had intended to say something, however the return on the two little girls left him speechless. Both Charlie and Joey latched onto one of Alec's legs and gazed up at him.

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