Twenty One

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"Lila, go outside and help grandma with her bags." Mom says as she finishes wiping down the kitchen.

I do what she says. Dad is on a business trip for the weekend, and grandma is over.

"Hi grandma!" I kiss her cheek and take the bag that's in her hand.

"Hey, sweetie!" Grandma smiles.

I take the bag to the guest room, and return to the kitchen, where grandma and mom are fighting.

"You're being such a bitch about this!" Mom yells.

"Sandra Ann, you will not speak to your mother like that, and you will not yell like a child!" Grandma snaps.

"I'll say whatever I damn well please." Mom says. I've never seen her this mad.

"That's it!" Grandma yells, and sees me standing at the stares. Mom looks at me, too. "Lila, dear, go get my hairbrush from my bag."

"Y-yes ma'am." I say, and run upstairs to get it.

I hand it to her, back downstairs.

"Lila, sit down. Let this be a lesson for you." Grandma says.

"I don't think I want to watch." I say.

"I didn't ask what you wanted, now Sit down."

"Grandma, you- you can't spank her." I say. "She's a grown woman!"

Mom's face is blushing bright red. "Lila, don't argue."

"And she's acting like a child."

I've always been close with my grandma, but she's pissing me off. I roll my eyes. "Can't you just talk about it? You're both adults."

"Lila, you drop the attitude. Now."

"You guys are crazy." I stand up.

"Lila, you get back downstairs. Both of you are getting a spanking." Grandma says. "Sandra, quit staring at the floor. Look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Yes ma'am." Mom says.

"Lila, you're first." Grandma says. "Come here."

I walk over to her and she takes my pants and panties down to my knees, and I bent over her knee.

Her hand stung on my bare bottom, and I squirm around.

"Why are you being spanked?"

"Talking back!" I grunt.

"Quit that squirming, girl! I'd like an apology, now."

"I'm sorry, grandma! Ow!" I yelp, and begin to cry softly.

Grandma stops, and let's me up. I rub my warm bottom and she hugs me. "Now get dressed and watch."

This time, I do. The spanking was a quick reminder to do what grandma says. Mom bends over her knee.

"Sandra, you will not be disrespectful and rude, do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." Mom says, sounding like a child. I feel sorry for her.

Grandma unbuttons moms jeans, then pulls her panties down. Mom bends over grandmas knee, where she's met with sharp smacks.

"Ahhh," she yells eventfully, jerking around. "I'm so sorry please stop!"

Grandma picks up her hairbrush.


I wince as it hits her bottom and she cries out.

"OW!" She screams and kicks while her bottom is peppered with harsh smacks. "MOM, STOP IT OWW!"

Finally, it's over. Mom is sobbing on grandmas lap, her face blotchy and red.

Grandma and her hug for a long time. When she's calmed down, both of us sit on each side of grandma with her arms wrapped around us.

"I love you girls so much," grandma says. "Please don't make me have to ever do that again."

"We won't mom, we love you too." Mom says, and I nod in agreement.

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