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"Class, please put away your notes. I'm going to pass out the quiz."

Shit. I didn't study at all for this. It's the week before exam week, why are we having a quiz anyway? This is stupid.

I don't know anything on the quiz, so I look at the girls paper who's in front of me.

"Lila, go to the office." My teacher says.


She glares at me, and I decide not to make a scene. I turn in my quiz and head to the office.

Principal Hester is sitting at his desk.

"Have a seat, Miss Bridges."

I sit in front of him. If I get suspended, my parents will probably literally kill me. Cheating is taken very seriously at our school.

"You understand the school honor code right?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Then you know you're going to be punished."

"Yes sir."

"You can either choose a three day suspension from school," Principal Hester pauses. "Or we can call your mother to get permission for a paddling."

"Um, I'll take the paddling."

"Alright then, Miss Bridges. Please call your mother, I need permission to paddle you."

I dial her work number and she picks up.

"Hey, mom, um..." I explain to her what happened, and she says I can take a paddling instead of suspension.

"But you know a spanking at school will mean one at home right?" Mom asks, and Mister Hester can hear her since she's on speaker.

I blush bright red. "Yes ma'am."

We say goodbye and hang up.

"Alright, Miss Bridges, stand up and bend over my desk." Mister Hester moves the chair to the side so I can bend down.

He gets the paddle from his desk drawer, and rests it on the seat of my jeans.

"You're getting twelve swats, Miss Bridges."

The paddle cracks down on my behind, and I jump a little. He hits harder than mom or dad has ever hit me, and I want to scream but I don't. It's too embarrassing to cry or yell in front of him.

The second time, I grunt a little, and the third I almost fall down.

"Owww!" I yell by the fourth, my knees buckling.

"Miss Bridges, if you keep moving we'll start over."

"Yes sir."

He continues. Tears prick up in my eyes and eventually spill over onto my cheeks. I hold still and let him finish while I sob.

"We're done Miss Bridges."

I can't help it, I jump up and rub my bottom, still crying.

"Sit down please."

I do.

"You can stay in here and calm down until the bell rings. I trust that you're not going to cheat again?"

"No sir."

"Good." Mister Hester leaves me in his office.

It's 2:30, which means I have 30 minutes until I get to go home. It takes me fifteen to stop crying. It hurts really, really bad. After I quit crying, I go into the staff bathroom and splash my face off with water. My eyes are less puffy and red now. I wait in his office until the bell rings, then I drive home.

Mom and Dad get home at 4:15.

"Lila, I understand that you've been paddled at school today, is that right?"

"Yes sir." I can barely stand sitting on the dining room chairs. There's got to be bruises on my butt, and pretty big ones too.

"And you were paddled for cheating?" Mom asks.

"Yes ma'am." I squirm around in my chair.

"Quit being dramatic Lila, it's not going to get you out of another spanking."

"I-I'm not being dramatic. It hurts so bad I can't sit." I blush.

"Enough. Stand up and drop your pants and panties." Mom says.

"I'm not lying, I swear-" I've tried to talk my way out of spankings before, but this time I'm not lying!

"Now, Lila." Dad says.

"Yes sir." I sob as I unbutton my jeans and take them off. I take off my panties, too.

"Bend over the table."

"Yes sir." I choke out.

I brace myself for the first whip with his belt.

"Oh, Lila." He gently touches my bottom, and I blush. "Sandra, look at this."

"What?" Mom walks over to where she can see. "Lila, I'm so sorry." Her voice breaks.

"Stand up, baby." Dad says. "I'm so sorry they did that to you."

He hugs me, and I cry onto his shoulder. My butt must be pretty beat up. Mom hugs us too.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I gave them permission, I didn't know-"

"I know mom, it's okay." I wipe my face off.

"Go upstairs and change out of those tight jeans. I'll be up to take care of you in a minute." Mom ruffles my hair. I grab my jeans and panties, and run upstairs.

Before putting on a pair of jogging pants, I look at my butt in the mirror. Two dark purple bruises are forming on each cheek, around all the red. I lay down on my stomach. Mom comes up with an ice pack and some lotion.

"Here, baby girl." She gently pulls my pants down, and rubs lotion on my bottom.

It feels good and cool, but I'm embarrassed that she's rubbing my bare bottom. She pulls my pants back up, and puts the ice pack on my sore backside.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem." Mom kisses my hair, and goes back downstairs. "Don't worry about school tomorrow or Friday. I can't imagine sitting all day on those bruises."

"Okay, thank you." I hadn't thought about sitting through a day of class, but it's taken care of now. I sigh in relief.

I'm so exhausted from the day, I fall asleep without putting on pajamas.

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