Ch 34: Brother \ The Possible New Ally

Start from the beginning

Puerto Rico nodded, "What about the aid and the family you promised me?"

Confederate chuckled, "Be patient, that will come in time. When this whole fiasco is over and you come out as the victor with me, everyone will clamber around you just to be your friend. Getting a family will be much easier then. Not only that, but when we win the war and I get the states, I'll be as rich as America was. So, yes, our deal is still very much intact. And, if you doubt me, you're free to leave. I promise I will not bother you ever again. But," Confederate paused and turned a little bit to face Puerto Rico, his red eyes glowing menacingly in the dim light, "I don't know if a certain 48 states, 4 territories, 1 district, 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and a few world superpowers feel the same. I'm sure they would just kill to see you again."

Puerto Rico backed away just the slightest bit, a confused expression flickering onto his face, "What are you saying?"

"I'm simply saying the truth," Confederate answered, smirking as he faced forward and walked briskly once again. Puerto Rico gulped, watching him walk away to the end of the alleyway.

Confederate stopped walking, "Are you going to follow me or not?"

Puerto Rico hesitantly put one foot in front of the other, following Confederate. He felt himself shiver and gradually realized something as he followed Confederate out of the dim alleyway. 

He wasn't in control of any of this anymore, was he?


"So, what's the plan?" Puerto Rico asked Confederate as they hid in an alleyway near the hotel where all the countries were staying. They were close enough to see the entrance, but they weren't close enough to see any specific details. Theoretically, they could head inside, but there might be some countries inside that can recognize them. Not to mention, Confederate knew that one guard was posted outside the section of the hotel where the countries were staying, just to make sure that no extremists would try to assassinate them during their stay. Well, I mean, obviously that wasn't the only guard, but America didn't have any control over where the guards were, that was UN's duty. Thus, Confederate had no way of knowing where they all were, which meant that if news spreads quickly around here, he was already a wanted man. And, personally, he would rather not be caught on the first day.

"Hmm," Confederate thought. He cast a glance at Puerto Rico before grinning. He couldn't sacrifice himself; but luckily for him, he had a very dispensable island right in front of him, "Do you think the receptionist and the guard inside are idiots?"

Puerto Rico blinked, "Huh? Why do you ask?"

"Just answer the question."

Puerto Rico rolled his eyes before looking through the glass door to see the receptionist, "They don't look like the smartest people, no."

"Do you think they could reasonably mix up your flag with Cuba's?" Confederate asked.

Puerto Rico's head whipped towards Confederate's direction, "No. You're not... Are you going to make me pose as Cuba? Why can't you pose as America? You have his body and everything!"

Confederate grinned, loving this way too much, "No can do. They'd know about America's collapse or maybe even his death, me showing up as America would be way too suspicious. Cuba, however, wouldn't be acknowledged all that much."

Puerto Rico emphatically shook his head, "No, no way. I'm not doing it."

Confederate scoffed, "Come on, this is our only shot. Just man up already. You just go in there, ask for Cuba's room number, then help me in, and then we can convince Cuba to be our ally together. "

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