I nodded. "I will need to call the grocery store about quitting before starting today." I said.

After I called the grocery store, she handed me a badge to access all the floors I'd be cleaning. Apparently there were assigned floors that you'd only clean.

"You'll be cleaning the dance room and training rooms. Idols and trainees practice at random hours of the day so if they are there, quietly clean the place. No photos or videos of them at all. It is a serious offense if you do that, and I don't want to fire you for that." She said sternly before walking me to the janitor station.

"This is where all the supplies are. The cart that holds the water and mop, a broom to sweep, napkins and mirror cleaners for the dance mirrors, and disinfectant for wiping down benches and tables in the rooms." She said as she pointed where all the things were on the cart.

"This cart is new. We just ordered some new ones, but since you have a child, I can order a special one where there is a baby seat near you. The cleaning stuff will be behind him. It'll be easier for you to push the cart of the baby is strapped into a baby seat." She said.

I nodded as I heaved Taehyunie onto my hip. He was getting bigger everyday it seemed.

"These floors are yours always. The first two, the lowest levels, are training rooms. The third floor is just idol rooms." She explained. "The other floors are for other janitors."

"Oh, these floors need to be cleaned regularly throughout the day. Maybe every two hours or so. The floors usually have scuff marks from their shoes when they dance. Hand prints or sweat on the mirrors and stuff like that when they sit down against the mirror. " She said.

"When you have free time, most janitors choose an hour to have lunch. That's all up to your discretion, but we do check if you've been cleaning every hour. You'll need to scan your badge every time you come to clean a room. There's a square badge scanner right beside the doors when you walk in. The outside one is to unlock the doors that are locked. The inside one will document what you've done and at what time." She said.

"That is all you have to know for now. Please do well." She said before leaving me with a map of the building so I'd know where to go.

"Taehyunie, mommy got a good paying job for us." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Maybe not the most fun job, but I'll do anything to make enough for you."

"Mama." He said in a baby tone still. He didn't say 'mommy' yet because it was a bit long with different syllabus.

He gave me a smile after I gave him a kiss. I smiled brightly at his cute face before cupping his face in one hand and brushing our noses together. He giggled before I pushed the cart with one hand.

I walked past security who stopped me because he had never seen me before. I showed him my badge where he scanned it for authentication.

He let me continue into the more private area where fans were not allowed. They were only allowed in the cafe, dining area, and gift shop. Basically the very first floor.

It was difficult to carry Taehyun while pushing the cart, but I need to keep him near me as I got into the employee elevator.

I pushed the cart out when we got to the first floor on my list. There was a seating area right when you stepped out of the elevator. I was also told to rearrange the chairs to make it pushed in and also disinfect the table and chairs.

I pulled the cart closer and placed Taehyun down. He stood there next to me before I told him to stand on the other side so he wouldn't inhale the fumes of the spray. I grabbed gloves and a mask to put on before wiping everything down.

Lowkey - Mark Lee NCT AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now