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{{ Written by Stephanie N }}


《《 All Rights Reserved 》》


One | Janitor

"Seomin?" A lady walked out of a room and held the door open with her hand.

She was dressed in a pencil skirt and a suit jacket despite it being summer time. Her hair was nearly bobbed and curled at the ends like the nineties style. Her bangs were sprayed stiffly so it wouldn't loose that bump.

I stood up and straightened out my buttoned up shirt and slacks. I had flats on and hoped the ends of my pants weren't dragging against the floor.

"Yes." I said as I raised my hand up slightly to indicate that it was me. Another lady was chilling on the seat across from me with a magazine in her hand.

The lady at the door motioned me over. "Please, come in." She said as she waited for me.

I looked to the side worriedly before looking back at the lady at the door. She glanced at the baby playing at waiting room toy that was also common in doctor's offices.

"You can bring your child in." She said when she realized my dilemma. I didn't want to be unprofessional by bringing my child to a job interview, but I didn't have anyone to watch him.

"Taehyunie, let's go inside." I said before picking up him. I had to manually remove his hands because he didn't want to let go of the toy structure.

I kissed him on the head before carrying him inside the interview room. The lady sat down at her desk before telling me to have a seat.

"How old is he?" She asked as she looked through my application file. Her eyes scanned the document before setting it down.

"A year and a half." I said as I sat him in my lap. Since he could walk, he was a bit fidgety to get on the floor.

"Cat." He said as he pointed to the golden lucky cat statue on her desk. The cat that waved its fist up and down which was what caught his attention to it in the first place.

She smiled as she looked at him. "That's right. It's a cat. I see you can talk." She said.

She sat back up and looked at me instead. "So you're a '00 liner. For simpler terms, we'll use the international age. You're turned twenty not that long ago. You had a child at eighteen and a half? Meaning you got pregnant at seventeen?" She asked.

"I-in my later months of being seventeen, I had gotten pregnant. I was nearly eighteen." I stuttered because she made it seem like I was a disappointment.

"Where have you been working at before this? Are your parents helping you raise him? Where will he go when you work?" She asked me question after question without letting me answer.

"I worked in a grocery store before this. My parents did not want anything to do with my child. They didn't approve of me having a child so young even if it wasn't on purpose." I said before feeling a lump in my throat.

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