06 | Amalgamates

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YEAR 2120 - Oct

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YEAR 2120 - Oct. 19 - 5:32PM
Art sat back down and said, "No, this is our chance! We should leave, NOW!"

"Are you insane?! That woman just saved our freaking lives!" I disagreed, is he this selfish?! A while ago he was so friendly to us and now-!

Then I thought of an idea to convince Art, "We can keep her and then she could help us get to the lab. A lot more in the group could help build our defense!"

Art heaved in a deep sigh and nodded with regret seen in his face. Nevertheless about the unsureness of his answer, Dylan stood up and took a pistol from his pocket. He aimed carefully, hoping not to hit the woman.

I was about to ready my gun until suddenly someone tugged my hair. It was the child from a while ago. He's still alive.

It smiled at me with sinful eyes and tried desperately to bite me. I tried kicking and kept moving my head. Through my struggles, I noticed my gun wasn't on my hand and Peach was on the cement floor, barking at the zombie.

"Peach, don't bark, you might attract zombies to you!"

Then a flying heavy garbage can hit the brainless kid. The zombie tumbled as I immediately stood up and took my gun, killing the little child with no hesitation. It traumatized me..

But.. even with that. I'm still not sure I can hit these zombies. All of them used to have a normal human life.

I turned her head and saw that Dylan was the one who threw it, even with my moodiness, he still managed to help me out even if we just fought.

I took Peach back to my bag then ran to both Dylan and Art in shooting off the zombies with the help of the random woman.

Not a while later, we were triumphant. Lifeless bodies and splashes of blood were all over the floor. It was truly a horrifying view.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Art asked the woman with frustration.

"Trying to save your asses, what do you think, Pointy Chin?" She answered with a bit of a smirk on her face.

Art was about to hurt her for the insult but he just took it in. "Whatever, what's your name?"

The woman looked behind herself and then proceeded to walk past the three of us who just stared at her. She then stopped at an instant as if she had just seen something and then turned around, "We should hide."

The brown haired woman then ran to some kind of wrecked shed behind a small house.

"Shouldn't it be safer in the house?!" Art asked as we followed her. I couldn't disagree this time, a shed wouldn't have the best stronghold.

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