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CHAPTER FOUR(Third Person Point of View)"More than One Apocalypse"

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(Third Person Point of View)
"More than One Apocalypse"

YEAR 2120 - 4:35PM

could think of. It's a 30-minute ride to the Nair Laboratory but it would take 3 hours if we were to walk." I explained, "To walk, we have to go through the safest way to go there but I've got that covered."

"First, we go to the roads near the forest exiting this town, that would approximately take an hour to walk. Then, we're at the Center Circle where we head to the Train Station for 30 minutes. The station for their shorter route and less zombies would probably be there." I started spilling the details, "The Train walk would be about an hour and thirty minutes. With our luck, the station would drop us off right in front of the Nair Laboratory and there we take the cure!"


Art took a closer look at the map and found it as the best route we could go through. Dylan cleared his throat to catch his attention, he asked, "What did you do upstairs though?"

"Just the essentials." Art responded and showed some guns and daggers. My eyes opened in awe at what I saw. He gave both of us some pistols, rifles, revolvers and a shotgun each.

Dylan asked him from where he got all that. His only answer was that his father used to be a soldier.

"Can you teach me?" I asked him, wishing he's in a bit of a good mood now. Both of us got stuck in the sight of each one's eyes.

Wow. Even if he's grumpy, he has these beautiful eyes. These bright brown eyes. It looks exactly like mine.

Art snapped out and nodded, he removed my hand and taught me how to hold the gun. He taught me how to reload, aim and shoot. Somehow, his temper went down.

"Ugh, ehem.." Dylan then asked me what info I got from the news about the spreading disease. Even if I'm still a bit mad at him, I told them about the symptoms and everything else I got.

"We can't get too many close contacts to those things again or else the spreading will be faster in our body." I continued, "Zombies can also be attracted to noise and thus, our plan to just walk instead of using a vehicle. These things like to bite our neck, arms, legs and head so we have to keep those the safest since those areas are where the bite goes throughout the body really fast."

Art told me to stop and he asked, "Where did you get these information? How did the government already know how this shit works even if the outbreak was just a while ago?"

"I don't kno--" I was going to say I don't but then he cut me off.

Art put his finger on his head and interrupted, "Good plan. We'll take a fifteen minute rest before we go on. I know we're in a hurry but we can't go out when our heads are still floating, got it?"

YEAR 2120 - Oct. 19 - 5:10PM
"I'm sorry, Clay.." I suddenly heard a voice, "I've been overprotective, hotheaded and stupid. You were right. Please, forgive me." It was Dylan trying to apologize while the door was slightly opened.

Clay was lying in the bed, her eyes up to the ceiling and her body let loose all over the bed while Peach slept peacefully on her lap. She was so tired.

"I accept your apology, Dy. I'm sorry too.. That I was too aggressive and impulsive, I guess I forgot my place. Forgive me.." I responded as I sat down and let him into the room. I had time to think too and knew that both of us were those that were wrong.

He sat beside me and patted me in the back, "Of course I forgive you! You're my little sister after all."

We both smiled and gave each other a loving embrace. Too bad the only light we could see was that of an artificial lightbulb. A natural light could've made the scene even better.

"Aha! I knew you two were lovers. I had just won a bet! Now where's my money?" Art suddenly came into the scene. I giggled and Dylan just plainly said, "We didn't bet on anything and could you please stop shipping us like couples?"

"Sheesh, just a joke. Just making the mood a little, y'now, happier. It's gonna be kinda sad if you add more gloom to our doom." He bluffed and then entered the room.

Still, Dylan smirked at him making him a bit confused. "I'd rather ship you with my sister."

Art was then embarrassed as well as I and both of us just looked at each other in disgust. I'm in to stay single for the rest of my life.

After a few minutes of somehow getting along, the fifteen minutes finally passed.

All three of us got ready to face the zombies outside and hopefully survive.

I must admit I was a bit nervous considering that if I do something wrong, death is the next thing that'll come to me.

But I have to put on a mask of confidence, I don't want to be the black sheep.

"Are you ready?" Art looked at both of us with a smirk written on his face.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be." Dylan replied, he's always this brave. I wonder if I'll be like him someday.

"What about you?" Art looked at me.

"I'm ready to avenge Sofhia." Clay grinned at them.

"Feisty for a fight, eh? Don't worry, there's a lot to hit outside."


My Escape From Earth: CATACLYSM I ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz