5 - Daddy's Girl.

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"Home sweet home." The Airport felt like just how Clary remembered it-busy. But she didn't care, she was home.

"When did you say they were coming again? My hands are tired." Milo asked. He had been taking pictures with people since he stepped off the plane. It wasn't his fault, he just has that charming personality. But the pictures were wearing him out.

"Go take another picture, Milo," Clary stated, she was enjoying the peace of home.

"I don't want to, I'm tired." Milo bawled.

"Of girls melting in your presence and wanting to take a photo with you? I highly doubt that." Clary insisted. She brushed a speck of imaginary dirt off her dress and smiled at him.

Almira was so distraught about clary leaving that she packed her wardrobe for her. Clary exhibited a Baby Blue mid-length halter gown and white sneakers, her hair in a side-swept French brand. She felt seventeen again in her girly outfit.

Milo, on the other hand, looked every bit an artist. He was dressed in his usual black jeans, a white tee adorned with his white and black checkered scarf, his maroon leather jacket and boots gave him an air of fashion (even though he didn't put too much effort into his dressing). His black locks were let loose, stopping just below his shoulders. He tamed his curls by putting a maroon beanie on it. His entire ensemble did nothing to make him blend with the crowd, with his height and look, he stood out like candles on a cake.

"Better believe it, I'm tired of adoring fans and I'm hungry." He whined.

"They'll be here soon, just keep busy." Clary shushed him and continued her ritual of stroking Snow's fur whenever she got absent-minded.

She felt strange about meeting her friends after so long, sure they talked on the phone but she knew without a doubt that things would be different. She just hoped it wasn't too different.

"Clary, you're zoning out again." Milo snapped his hand in front of Clary. "Come back to me!"

"I'm not gone, " Clary laughed lightly. Milo, her ever-present nanny, second to Diego, who is bested only by Almira. Basically, she had a lot of helpers.

"Just checking." Milo stretched out on the chair, his gaze scanning the crowd. "What did you say your friend looked like?"

"The guys or my girl?" Clary's mind was replaying memories of a time long ago.

"All of them."

"Well, Ronnie has ebony black hair and bright brown eyes. She has a delicate frame and porcelain skin. She's beautiful." She described her friend with a twinkle in her eyes. "And Sam, he's absolutely gorgeous. He's tall, like really tall, blond hair-"

"Found them!" Milo pointed out.

"Really? That fast?"

"Yes, bambino."

True to his observation, Clary heard a familiar voice.

Ronnie had been so insistent they got on the road an hour early, she wanted to wait for her friend, not have her friend wait for her, but Sam still drove by her house late. When Sam spotted Clary, she whacked him at the back of his head and pushed her way through the crowd. "Clary! Clary!" She called, a bit hesitant at first but increased her pitch.

When Clary turned and gave a big smile, all her previous worries about travel, airport security and her own stress faded away. She gathered Clary in her hands and hugged her tight. For a good solid minute, they hung to each other, then Sam wrapped them both up in his huge arms.

"I've missed you, I've really missed you. I don't know how I lived without you." Ronnie sobbed into Clary's hair.

"Don't cry, Ronnie. I'm sure you survived just fine."

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