23 - Checkmate.

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By the time I arrive at the hospital, I'm sweaty and tired, I text my mom and ask where they were, she texted right back. They are in Summer's room, so I enter the elevator this time, I'm not gonna kill myself because I need to be in shape.

I walk in to see my entire family except Barry, Mr and Mrs Julian, Sam, Ronnie and Eden, but no Summer.

OK, what's going on? The last time I saw this kind of gathering, summer was unconscious.

" Hey mom, what's up? " I ask, the room is so tense, it would make courtroom run for its money.

My mom turned around and the tears streaming from her eyes tells me something is definitely wrong.

" Honey, I'm so sorry. " she said, tears still pouring out from her eyes.

I moved closer to the group. Everyone had a long face and all the girls were crying.

" What in the world is going on? " My patience is wearing thin, my brain has already come up with a thousand things that could be wrong.

" S-summer... " Aunty Nat croaked, trying to stop the waterworks, " S-she's... gone. " and she buried her face in husband's neck.

What?! Summer went out for a walk when I left, she can't be gone.

" B-but Summer went out for a walk when I left, she didn't come back before I left for home, she's can't be gone. " I pushed through the lump forming in my throat that wants me to accept what I'm hearing.

" It's true Clary, she is gone, she passed away two hours ago. " my dad says and placed one hand on my shoulder while the other one held my mom.

" Impossible! Two hours ago, I was in the hospital and I heard nothing of the sorts. So what are you people saying to me! Maybe she's taking some tests or something... " my entire body was shaking, my brain refused to believe what they are saying even if it's putting the logic together.

" Believe what you want to believe Clary, but I held the cold hands of my daughter in the morgue. You can go see for yourself. " Mr Julian, who usually is a very calm man, explodes in my face, but regains his composure the next minute.

" Fine! I will. " I walked out of the room. What are they saying, summer was fine, when I left, she couldn't have possibly died, could she? Either way, I'm going to get answers for myself.

The morgue which is located at the back of the hospital is a cold room filled with cabinets. I saw the caretaker and approached her.

" Excuse me miss, " she turns around
" Have you received a girl named Summer today? "

She drops the bucket she was holding,
" Yes, I have. " she said with a brilliant smile, " Do you want to see her? "

No! No, this is impossible.

Yet my brain answers because I registered what was going on ," Yes please. "

" Follow me. " and I did despite the internal battle that was going on within me.

This can't be real, maybe I hit my head and I'm dreaming or even hallucinating.

" Miss? " the concern filled voice of the caretaker brings me out of my thoughts.

Summer lies there lifeless in eternal slumber.

Her glorious hair looks bleached, her skin and lips have a blueish tint to them and her bright, bright eyes are forever closed.

" Summer! " I crashed to the ground besides her cabinet on my knees. I just saw her smiling and joking some hours ago, how is it even possible that she was capable of dying when the doctor said she would be out of the hospital next week.

How is this possible?! Her lips have a smile permanently etched on it, was she happy that she died? Why didn't she call for help?

Somebody please answer my questions! God! Where are you when I'm in need of your answers?!

My head starts pounding, salty tears have obstruct my vision. The world turns upside down and blurry, is it just me or does the caretaker look alarmed, she tries to faze me by shaking me and mumbling incoherent words but to no avail. I can't move, I can't feel, my mind cannot comprehend, then I welcome the darkness.


My eyes opened to see the lights on the ceiling. How in the world did I here.

" Don't ever do that again! You hear me young lady. I don't need a heart attack! " My mom shrieked next to me.

" Cut her some slack honey, the news of her friend dying was probably too hard for her to bear, we are not all of the same strength. " My dad defended me.

" Fine, let's just go home, I need to rest, we've already started planning the funeral, I can't even imagine how Natasha feels right now. " My mom sighs.

" Come on Clary. " My dad beckoned me and helped me get up from the bed.

I note that Mr and Mrs Julian are not around, Sam and Ronnie also. It was just Eden that helped hold me to the car.

" I'm going to go home, Jordan needs me. " Eden walked over to his truck and got in. Through the window, I watched as him as we drove out of the driveway of the hospital.

I felt numb as we walked into the house, Barry immediately came rushing to us, followed by Tim and Mrs White.

Mrs White and my parents walked into the kitchen and spoke in hushed tones, when I heard a gasp, I knew they told her when transpired in the hospital.

Barry would probably hear it during dinner, that's if mom could make something up from what we have at home.

I opened the door of my room and the colours that usually brighten up my day made the dam finally break but no water came through.

I can't believe Summer is gone, gone, gone where? I remember we'd always talk about death and how we would like to leave this world but that's not what happened for her. She just up and left me.

No. Summer is not gone, I'm not going to accept this.

" Why did you take her?! " I scream to the night sky.

" She had so much to give the world! I thought you keep your children. It's not even her time to go! Has she fulfilled her purpose! You, you... " the tears threatened to fall but they wouldn't come out, someone might think that I am acting strong but my heart knows Summer is not gone.

But you saw her in the morgue. Dead.

No! You can't take her, "Bring her back! Bring her back! " finally the tears fell, knowing fully well that I'm not gonna let her go.

I cried for my friend, I cried because she left without even saying goodbye, I cried because she told me to something and I made her promise. I cried because God took her away from me. I cried for myself, I should have been there, I shouldn't have taken that walk, I should have been there.

After the tears stopped, I didn't go down for dinner, I crawled out of my bed into my bathroom, showered, changed into some random shorts and an oversized shirt. My blanket became my safe haven, It made everything go away. My mind couldn't concentrate on anything else other than the smile on Summer's face when she beat me at chess today.

Stay Strong.

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