10 - Birthday parties and New boys.

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I sat there as Sam stood up, towering over us, "Say that again. I dare you, I double dare you." He picked his words carefully, not wanting to pummel her right this instance. Summer passed me a look, we needed to diffuse this situation, but how?

Ronnie stood up and walked over to him. By now, everyone has seen the commotion and their eyes were trailing Ronnie as she poked Sam's chest and looked up, with mischief in her eyes, "Hommies before honnies."

Collective gasps filled the room, whispers started arising. At least it's not about the dreaded exam.

"No one talks to Sam like this."

"She poked him, on his chest!"

"She's signing her death warrant."

Sam's a big softie, to us that is. To others, he's this cool and refined rich kid, with manners to die for. Handsome, smart, you name it. He could probably run the place with his words if he wants to, but he's as humble as he is pissed off at Ronnie right now.

Violet looked the happiest, ready to watch their friendship shattered. She's been trying to get Sam for years but to no avail. Summer and I know better, this is just the beginning.

Mua hahaha.

I can't believe I just evil laughed in my head. I shrug off the feeling. Time to watch the show.

It does have a nice ring to it, Hommies before honnies.

Sam's jaw tensed. I can feel his teeth grinding against each other, not literally but I swear he's trying his best to reign in his anger, "Say it again."

This time, Ronnie turned to face us all, "Hommies before Honnies!!" She announced.

A beat. A rhythm started playing in my head and I couldn't get it out. Summer contacted the bug, how? We have telepathic powers because she starts tapping her feet. Gosh! It has a ring to it that I can't ignore.

I started out by tapping the table, but it turned into a loud banging. People started clapping and cheering catching the rhythm too.

Ronnie caught the bug too as a sly smile made it's way to her lips. Only Sam stood unfazed by everything going on, his eyes fixed on Ronnie.

She sauntered her way to an open space, people creating room for her.

"Turn it up!!" She screamed. This sent the class into a frenzy. We started giving the beat with our feet, stomping them to give a regular pattern. Then came the drumming on the tables, followed by snapping off fingers. Everyone was involved, giving it a music video feel.

Ronnie grinned then turned to Sam.

"Hommies before honnies,
Yeah, Hommies before honnies,
Hommies before honnies,
Yeah, Hommies before honnies,
Hommies, Hommies,
Hommies before honnies,
Hommies, Hommies,
Hommies before honnies!!"

She danced with the music effortlessly and sang her chorus again.

The crowd went wild!! Cheers, hoots and whistles filled the room.

Sam still stood still watching her dance and sing.

Everyone started singing along. The kids from the dance club danced along with Ronnie to the music. After a while, Ronnie turned her attention to Sam and the music simmered down, "What do you say Wellington?" A smile on her lips, teasing him with every word.

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