There was the girl, Leah. Even noted that she didn't look very happy, Probably having been dragged over. Lucas straightened as she approached. The look on her face was one of annoyance and distain. She was accompanied by two guys. One was around the same height as Jacob and Embry. He seemed to be 18 like them. He swung his arm around Jacob's shoulder with the familiarity of long friendship. The third guys being the younger boy. He was about 15 or 16, taller than Leah but shorter than Jacob. He had almost as much muscles as the rest of them, all tanned skin and shaped build. Even was complaining.

The guy smiled at them as he came to a stop. He looked them over with a eager expression. Even smiled at him as he turned his gaze onto him. Their eyes met and boy gasped and went still. Even quirked and eyebrow at the weird behaviour and looked around. Leah was watching the boy with a mixture of shock and anxiety.

"Um, oh shit", Jacob muttered, he ran a hand over his forehead. "This is Quil, Leah and Seth. They're our friends". Quil held out his hand with a smirk.

"Nice to meet you. I hear you're new, welcome to Forks". Tobias and Even both shook his hand. Andrew and Lucas stood up to do the same. Embry following.

"I'm Tobias", Tobias greeted. Quil smiled and nudged Jacob in the side.

"Oh my god", Seth squeaked as Even turned to him. "Hi I'm Seth. You're so pretty". Even's eyes went wide in surprise as a red flush covered his cheeks.

"Hah! Who's blushing now?" Lucas teased.

"Fuck off Lucas", he scowled. Lucas laughed and Even caught a soft look on Leah's face. It was only for a moment before her features closed off again.

He turned back to Seth. "Ah um, Takk? I'm Even". Seth mouthed his name and his blush deepened.

Tobias was sniggering next to him. Even turned to him pleadingly. "hjelp meg. Han er så søt", he whispered. Tobias shook his head, obviously taking to much joy in this. Even groaned and buried his head behind his guitar. This was so awkward and embarrassing.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lucas", Lucas was grinning at Leah. She raised an eyebrow at him and nodded, not saying anything. Lucas faltered at the lack of answer. His grin faded and he scratched his head nervously.

"I'm Andrew", Andrew nodded at them. Quil perked up and pointed at him.

"You were the guy who shunned Embry because he didn't know Tolkien!" He exclaimed. "Dude, he came to me last night and stole all my books. I've been trying to get him to watch the films for years".

Andrew laughed as Embry glared at his friend. "Not knowing Tolkien is a travesty".

"I know!" Quil stated. "Have you read the maze runner series?"

Andrew lit up. "Minho was my favourite character. And what happened with newt, that was harsh".

"I can't believe this", Quil was grinning excitedly. "I can never get these two to read. We just spend all our time in Jacob's garage".

"You a mechanic?" Tobias asked Jacob. The tall boy perked up now that Tobias was talking to him. Quil has moved from his side to stand next to Embry as him and Andrew got into a energetic conversation about books and movies.

"Cool", Tobias nodded. "I'm shit at that sort of thing but it's still cool though".

"So what do you do?" Jacob asked. Tobias pulled out his drumsticks.

"I play drums, video games, cook". They dissolved into a separate conversation about the latest grand theft auto game. Even sighed and glanced between the two groups. Seth was still watching him and the staring was making him uneasy.

He glanced at Lucas. The curly haired boy was watching Leah with a dumbstruck expression. Even poked him and he startled. "So are you two siblings?" He asked.

"Yeah. Leah's nineteen. I'm sixteen", Seth answered.

"Nice, I'm twenty. Andrew and Tobias are nineteen and Even turned eighteen last week", Lucas replied.

"Oh, happy birthday", Seth grinned. He looked like a puppy. Even shifted and ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"Takk", he replied. Lucas rolled his eyes. "Thanks", Even repeated in English. Awkward silence descended between them.

"So do you play? It's a nice guitar", Leah spoke up. She was obviously taking pity on Seth, who was still staring. Even nodded.

"Yeah. We're a band. Tobias is on drums, Lucas and I sing, and Andrew is on bass".

"That is so cool!" Seth beamed in awe. "Can we see you guys play sometime?"

"Sure", Lucas smiled at him. "Do you have any favourite bands?"

"Oh Leah and I really like the Wildlings", Seth answered. Even felt a spark of pride as Leah nodded along with her brother's statement.

"They're alright", she shrugged.

Lucas looked like he had won the lottery. "What's your favourite song?" he asked her eagerly. Leah smiled and Even was concerned for a minute that Lucas might faint.

"I like Running girl".

"Really? That's off the second ep, Gibbous moon", Lucas stated. He seemed impressed. "Most fans just know their Album, 'underground'".

"Do you have a favourite song?" Even asked Seth softly. The boy perked up.

"Yeah. I mean, all their songs are good. Especially the hits 'Sleeping underground', 'chaos coronation' and 'Teething'. But the song 'Leaving it blue' has really spoken to me recently", Seth seemed a little sad as he spoke. Leah placed her and on her shoulder and they shared a glance. Even knew the song he was talking about. It was off their very first ep, 'wild ones', and he had written it in memory of his dad. It was a slow and sad tune, not one of the fan favourites.

"I like that song to", Even smiled at Seth. The boy smiled softly back.

"Guys", Andrew called. Everyone broke away from their separate conversations. "We need to arrange a movie day. Have a hobbit and lord of the rings marathon", he declared.

"Oh heck yeah", Lucas added. "We can do popcorn and milkshakes".

"You're lactose intolerant", Even deadpanned. Tobias snorted.

"I like living on the edge. Besides milkshakes are amazing. I can make a almond milk one".

Tobias gave Lucas one of his looks and turned to look at everyone. "Sure. You guys want to come?"

"Yes!" Quil answered for them all. Embry and Leah both shot him frowning faces but didn't protest. "We're all free on Wednesday".

"You guys work together?" Even asked.

Seth shrugged. "Something like that".

"That's settled then", Tobias said. "You know where we live. Juts turn up around eleven or something".

"Do you want my number?" Jacob asked him. Tobias nodded.

"Sure. Guys swap numbers". Even, Andrew and Lucas all pulled out their phones. For some reason, none of the others had their phones on them. Andrew luckily had a pen and they each took turns to write their numbers on hands. Leah refused to allow Lucas to write his number so he wrote it on Seth instead.

Even was hyper conscious of the heat of Seth's skin as he scrawled the digits onto the back of his palm. He finished and gave the pen to Tobias.

"I suppose I'll see you on Wednesday then", Seth muttered. Around the , everyone was saying goodbye. It was late in the afternoon and they had to go home and have food. Even was starving.

"Yeah. It should be good", Even smiled at him as he turned to get him the car. He pushed his guitar into the back seat as Andrew and Lucas got in the front. "See you then". He waved as he climbed in. The car pulled out of the car park. All of the new friends watching them go.


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