•Chapter 25:"Face Your Fears Pt. 2: You /have/ No one to trust but me"•

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Side Warning⚠️: Chapter might be a bit triggering.

(y/c/o/c): Your Choice of Color



    My eyes fluttered open and I found myself sitting on a rusted metal arm chair. I look around and saw nothing but walls are keeping me trapped in this room, no doors and no way out.

    I was panicking a bit, starting to get a little claustrophobic in the small room that I was in.

    Looking up I saw a dirty white ceiling and a tiny lightbulb hanging as my only light. It kind of has that interrogation room eerie in here.

   I stood up at the unquestionable chair that i'm sitting at just a second ago. As I examine everything. From the broken lines from the concrete walls and the cracked tiles.

  Then I heard a small squeak from the friction of the chair behind me and the floor. A cold sensation came on my back, goosebumps had came to me as I looked swiftly behind the sound.


Yet I saw no one.



Then I heard a faint crying on the corner as I saw a small body curled up with the figure's arms wrapped around on it's legs.

Coming closer to it, the voice definitely sounds like a girl and has (h/l) (h/c) hair...

Realization hit me as I patted the shoulder of the girl.

I gasped, horrified at what I saw, I felt like I was going to faint on the moment. The girl was me.... but she looks more paler like snow and on that pale skin has bruises all over her and her body shaking in shock. Her eyes are puffy red and have heavy bags underneath with.... tear stains.... NO! Blood was pouring down instead of tears.

"Sh*t." I said as my instincts retracted me back from myself yet approached her.

"What the-"

"It's your fault." She said to me with her voice so soft that it almost like she was whispering to me.

"Wuh-What? But I- I didn't do anything." I said.

"Yes.... Yes you did." She said still in her whisper like voice.

"Who... Who did this to you... or me or...  who did this to... us?!" I yelled.

How can someone made me this broken? My eyes are in worry and scared.

"They did." She said, her words becoming fainter and fainter.

"Who?!" I yelled even louder. Which she flinched at. So I mumbled a 'sorry' at her as she pointed at me?

That didn't make any sense. I'm only one not a 'they'?

"Uh..-Me?" I asked. Yet she shook her head. I was a bit worried about her she looks like she is about to fall any moment like her body is so fragile.

".......n...no...." she said her voice sounding like dying. As she struggles to cough as s liquid substance came out.... Blood.

Yet she still raised her hands a but higher to my shoulders as I followed her arm to her finger as I looked behind me and saw.... 'them'.


The Losers Club.

They we're standing there only six. Bev still gone. They all look a bit worn off and I noticed Eddie was covered with probably some nasty green substa-

WRAP IN TIME (LOSERS CLUB X READER)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang