•Richie's Draft•

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1. Christmas Special - Richie's POV

August of 1989,
(Sunday 11:35 am)
Derry, Maine
At the clubhouse..

"Well what about you four? How did you spent your 12 days of Christmas?" Mike asked referring to us.


Who should I pick?

I thought for a moment and scan the room to pick the three. Then my eyes landed on Richie, he probably has the most interesting one. Unlike mine. Let's see who he picked.

"Hey Rich, who did you pick?"

"Well princess.... you just have to wait and see." He said as I rolled my eyes at his dorkness as I smiled at him.

"Alright tell us the tale of your Christmas Extravaganza experience." I said to him.


"Your wish is my command princes-"

"Just get on with the story Richie. You and I both know what happens-" Eddie cuts off but I cut right in back.

"No.. No.. No.. No Eddie Spaghetti no spoilers, i'm telling the story not you. Just sit tight with that cast plastered on your arm as you drink your milk and eating your cookies." I said teasing him a bit.... ahh!! He's so great to be teased it's fun, i'm glad to have a friend like him.

"Do NOT! Call me Eddie Spaghetti ever again Richie freaking Tozier." He said complaining and groaning.

"Alright Eddie Spaghetti...."

"Richie I swe-"

"So it all started...."


(December 21, 1988): 7:00 pm

With me doing nothing. It's pretty boring everything that i'm telling to you right now is boring.

I was at my house as usual, apparently the arcade was closed for no reason. NO REASON AT ALL! The owner of the arcade, which i'm very close friends with said that they will close until the 23rd and open for Christmas Eve because holidays.

And I was so confused. Shouldn't it be he other way? Whatever.

So I have nothing better to do than just stay in my bed and do nothing. Stare at the ceiling in my bed, blinking and blinking and blink-


"Hurry up with the boring stuff and just tell us the damn story." Eddie said.

"I am telling the story. I'm being detailed on everything that i'm saying here. Now calm down Eddie Spaghe-"

"I swear to you Richie if I hear that name again, i'm........... i'm warning you." Eddie said as he pointed his finger to me with an angry expression on his face.

I can hear Y/N snickering from behind me as I smiled myself for making her laugh. It's just so adorable.

"Ahem? Richie? Continue?" Bev said from behind me.

"Oh! Yeah! So after hours of staring and blinking..."

Flashback again...

(December 22, 1988): 12:00 am

I fell asleep. I'm all wrapped up with my blanket as I snore loudly that I can hear it from my dream.

"Kaaaa kak kaaaa..... shuuu shuuu shuuu

WRAP IN TIME (LOSERS CLUB X READER)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें