•Chapter 17:"Hello?"•

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  I drove off to god knows where. Wherever my bike and strength takes me.
I need a break by all this sh*t that's happening.

   Then I stop at a river. It's a very familiar place to me because it's the place when I first got here when I was back at my 'real world'.

  I set down my bike and sit at the edge of the river. Calming myself, thinking some random things that I can get my mind to clear off.

I saw pebbles on the along side of the river. Picking it up and start throwing rocks along the riverside.

As soon as I ran out off pebbles, I sat again and feel a woosh of wind across my face.

There, I try to control and master my powers a bit. Basically just play with it.

Raising my hand as I think of the water float.

Not a second after the water raised slowly, you can see and count every single waterdrops that are floating.

I circled my index finger around and fidget with the water. Making the drops into a circle motion.

"Wow." I mumbled to myself.

Then I slowly put down my hand along the waterdrops back to the river.

What powers is this? What abilities is this? Am I born to have this? Why am I always saying 'this'? What the heck Y/N, your confusing yourself.

Whatever is this "powers" I like it, I need to protect and use it wisely.

"Well...Well..Well, Y/N f*cking L/N. Where is your little losers? Are you supposed to be with those little shits?" I turned as I saw Henry Bowers himself and his friends laughing at me. What a bunch of pricks.

"What do you want Bowers?" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't use that attitude on me you shithead." He said as he came closer to me pointing his finger to me.

"First of all don't call me nor my friends 'Ship. High. In. Transit' idiot because they are not garbage nor trash nor excrements that gets thrown away from a bitch like you." I said.

"Oh, well if your talking nonsense to me then i'm just gonna dunk your head in that river." He said.

"It's an acronym for shit! You a-hole, you don't even know your language. Well besides you can't even write your whole nam-"

"Listen to me you little shit..." he said as he grab the collar of my shirt.

"Don't act all tough on me, like you can take me down. Because guess what you can't even try to get an inch into my face." He said. This bit-

"Don't.....you....think about my size you sh*thead. You don't know what i'm capable off." I said.

"Oh really?" He said as he was about to punch my face.

I raise my hand to him and closed my eyes and as I closed my fist.

Then I felt myself fell.

I open my eyes to see everyone frozen..in time.

I stood up and saw them like statues, standing in a pose. I get up and grab my bike, then I realized I forgot my bag in Bill's garage.

I ran on the other side of the road where I saw every one still frozen I rushed my way to the other side of the road and that's where I used my powers to make the time ticking again.

Then I look at the other side of the road where the Bowers Gang's car where.

I saw them running towards it and goes to the other direction, opposite to mine. Phew.

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