•Chapter 15:"From Screen to Reality"•

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We're on our way to Bill's house, well garage but still.

Bill needed us to show something about "something" he tells us.

But I know about that something, and i'm very terrified about what's going down.

Then I thought about my powers and how I can use it. So I got to be ready just in case.

I took a deep breath and walk along with the Losers.

We just walked even though we have bikes but we want to just, talk and be a kid or teen sometimes.

Apparently we're talking something Richie's had mentioned about Eddie's mom being so overprotecting him and we're just making fun of it.

Eddie didn't mind at all because I know how much he hates his mom overdosing him with a bunch of pills to him, by the way he laughs along with our little jokes and even said a joke himself, so were good.

"Haha, good one. Hey can you guys imagine me coming home all dirty and my mom will have an anuerysm because of it?" Eddie asked.

We just laughed and said no.

"Yeah I can't even get '1' meter from those grey water."

Until Bev asked me something i'm too shocked to answer.

"Hey Y/N? Back at the park you never mentioned your fear. Care to share?"

'I never thought about that deep into my fears. What do I feared about? What do I have to be scared about? Do I have fear? Of course I do, what kind of question is that? But..i'm different from them. I have these abilities that no person had. But still i'm a person...right?'

"Y/N? You ok there? You look shaky. If, you don't want to tell us then it's ok." Bev said to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and just nodded my head.

"H-Hey guys we-w-we're here."


We set our bikes down om the side of the entrance of the garage and walked in.

Then we are standing there in awkwardness with no one spoking a word.

"So? Are we just going to stand here and stare at the wall forever?" Richie uttered.

"Well w-we should dar-darken the place and I will s-s-set up the projector." Bill stated.

"I'll help with darking up the place." I said.

"Uh me too." Eddie mumbled.

"Yeah me too." Stan then answered.

"Count me in." Richie blabbed.

"Um..ok?" I said being all confused on them being so eager to help me.

"Hey Y/N can I join you?" Ben asked.

"Sure how about you help me with the other garage door and you three on the other." I said.

A series of 'ok's' and 'sure' revolved in the room.

As Mike, Bill and Bev helped set up the projector.

Me and Ben set up the map of the sewer system that Bill has, and put some thumbtacks to stick it to the wall.

Then after that we put some chairs and stuffs to sit on and I sit on the middle, where I sat in a criss cross position so that I can't cover the projector in the back of me, also because I know what is about to go down and I just want to be ready to protect my friends.


"Ok." Bill mumbled.

"Th-Tha-That's where Ge-Geo-Georgie disappeared." Bill spoke as he pointed at the black mark that says 'Storm Drain' in it.

WRAP IN TIME (LOSERS CLUB X READER)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ