Chapter 4

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We reached the taverns, there were fires set everywhere and women dancing around them, all looked to be virgins, Untouched. Ronan helped me off my horse.

"This way Kit.You'll want to move quickly." I followed Zaylee and Fallon. Ronan stayed back with the guards We entered a tent. A red haired lady who looked to be mid aged and tribal markings on her face. She had viking armor and a bear fur cloak over her shoulder's. She smiled at me and bowed.


"Yes, how did you know?"

"Us witch's know thing's." She smiled and giggled. "What does she need ladies?"

"She needs to have the Anchor lifted.Her mate has been near her and she hasn't shifted." Fallon looked at me and lowered her head.

"My mate? Who is my mate?"

"I'm guessing the young man outside?" Edina snickered but politely.

'Ronan?"Edina nodded her head/ "Ronan isn't my mate, he's just a man. A man that saved my life."

"And why do you think he saved your life?" Zaylee grabbed my hands. "Doesn't your body ache and tremble when he comes near you?" I sighed and looked down remembering when he told me his name, when he touched me for the first time. "When he brought his face close to you, didn't it feel like a dream, like something unreal?"I nodded my head.

"But this all feels unreal."

"Can you breathe alright when he is near or does it feel like an earthquake in your lungs?"


"He's your mate." Zaylee let go and sat down. She patted on the wooled be between her and Fallon, "Sit Kit, it's alright."I sat next to them.

"Why haven't I shifted? Why don't I feel the complete bond with him?"

"Because you're different, Kit." Edina said, giving me a glass of whisky.

"How am I different?" I sipped the whisky, tasting the herbs Edina put in it."And what's in this?"I coughed and almost gagged.

"I think we need to let your mate tell you that. Ladies." She looked at Zaylee and Fallon. "Before you ask them, they are already aware of your difference. I put a relaxing herb in the drink, once I do the spell it will help you calm down before it actually starts working."

"Before it starts working?" I was worried, I didn't understand. Edina nodded her head.

"Yes, after I do the spell you will have an hour or two before it is completely undone, so take my advice and unwind yourself in those times. Have some fun, your life is about to get very serious, dear." I took a deep breath and relaxed more.

"Are you ready?" I nodded my head. she began chanting words of another language. I felt tingles and small pains through my body. I felt like my human soul was being sucked out of it's vesel. I am very sure that it did. I saw myself standing by the door, but it wasn't me, it was my soul. It looked like smoke or vapor. The figure smiled with confidence. She looked like a ruler, high in command. She was me but a different me. Edina's words were foggy as I was concentrating on my soul.The figure came racing at me and shooting back into place. When I opened my eyes I was laying on the bed. Edina was done with the spell.

"Was I asleep?"

"Yes." Fallon said.

"I remember seeing my soul and I was sitting up."

"You were dreaming but very much awake. Your inner self was speaking to you." Edina smiled.

"I do feel more alive."

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