Chapter 1

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Her crown was built into her spine that was made out of steel and her lover stands and watches her rise. She intoxicates him, Pleases him, and arouses him.

I woke up laying on the sand. The water was splashing against my toes, it was cold. The last thing I remember was letting out the last few breaths I had, then sucking in water. everything around grew colder every second. after that everything was gone. I remember a firm grip on my arm pulling me out. A man, He was blurry. Before I hit the water there were two men that I was sold to. They took me to their ship and chained me to their bed. They took the only thing that I had left, they took my virginity away; thrusting into me and licking at my skin and their fingers curling in my hair. After they each finished they beat me until I couldn't move, Throwing me into the sea. What they didn't know is they already killed me before I hit the water. It was worse then the murder itself but, now I am still living and breathing. The person who saved my life is a mystery but is appreciated.

"Kit?" I heard a voice yell. I sat up the best I could. My legs were hurting. My body was bare. "Kit?" I heard the voice call again.

"Fallon!" I yelled back at my friend. I could see her running towards me with a cloak.

"Kit, what happened? I saw those men take off with you but NickClause wouldn't let me chase after you."

"He sold me." I took a short pause. "Then they raped me." She threw the cloak over me and helped me stand.

"That bastard! Kit we need to get out of Alizar, Zaylee knows someone who can look you over in Tigarian. The king is an honest man, Zaylee's mother is there." I nodded my head. We walked to Zaylees lodge in silence. Fallon knocked on the wooden door. Zaylee's face appeared out of the door's shadow.

"Oh my god, Kit! what-?" she stopped in her sentence after she noticed the blood running down my thigh. She said nothing and started packing her carriage with crops and clothes. Zaylee was a ladies made before NickClause bought her as a man's servant.

"You will heal fast, but my mother will make sure you won't conceive their offspring."

"How will I heal fast?" Zaylee looked at Fallon and then at me.

"You're eighteen."

"Yes just today, but how does that make a difference?"

"You have secrets Kit, we only know a few, and you only know a few about yourself..your a mystery that is unfolding."

"what do you know?" I looked at Fallon hoping she would tell me.

"You'll find out shortly." Zaylee and Fallon got in the carriage. Fallon stuck her hand out offering to help me.

"Tigarian please, Lorcan?" Zaylee yelled at the carriage man. I could hear the crack of the reins on the horses back and the carriage started moving.

"Tell me the secret, Fallon." she went to cross her arms and looked out to the woods. I grabbed her wrist. "Tell me."

"You're a wolf." I laughed, but Fallon and Zaylee looked serious. "Just like Zaylee." She had a serious tone to her voice. I laughed a little more. "This is not a lie Kit, We can sense it all over you. You have been getting moody lately, and I bet you've been having dreams that seem real and then you end up in the middle of the woods at night, don't you?" I nodded my head.

"What does that mean?"

"once you find your mate you will be able to turn. you'll transform into a wolf whenever you'd like, you will be strong, fast, you'll be a warrior."

"Like a knight."

"In ways yes but but no, stronger. Kit there's other things about you that we don't know. we are the first to be able to shift, Zaylee and I have been looking for answers but neither one of us have been able to find our mates."

"Then how have you shifted?"

"There was a witch in Alizar, Edina. She took the anchor of the mate away so we could protect you."

"So you're a wolf as well?"Fallon looked at Zaylee and smiled.

"No, I change into a black tiger."My eyes widened. The world I've known all of my life has changed in just a matter of minutes. "but it's just the same capabilities as a wolf. Do you hurt anymore Kit?" I shook my head.

"No." the pain had gone away. the bruises faded and the marks on my face were gone.

"Good, that means your healing, like the wolf inside of you should."

I looked out of the carriage into the woods, thinking about the new life I had just encountered; Then I saw a familiar figure standing in the woods. Thinking to myself where I had seen the face, the body. think Kit, Think. The air smells sweet, like roasted hazelnuts and cinnamon. images of the sand on the beach flashed through my mind, the firm grip that pulled me out of the water.

"water! The man! The man that pulled me out of the water."

"What?" Zaylee and Fallon asked in a serious tone.

"Lorcan, Stop!" I yelled at the carriage man pleading him to slow the horses to a stop. I opened the carriage door and stepped onto the dirt road and into the woods. I walked closer to the figure. His appearance became more clear. The man had dark brown almost black mid length hair and had scruff on his face. He had three black tribal dot tattoos under his eye, and a Tribal tattoo down his arm. He had black pants and leather boots. He carried a sword on his belt and a dagger on his thigh. His body was tall, masculine. He looked like he could have been a strong warrior, a leader of many victorious wars. I stopped a feet away from him. His eyes shimmered gold and then back to Hazel.

"Ronan TakGar." he spoke without moving his mouth.. What is he?

"Kitali Vassereon." I said without speaking. How did I do that? The man's eyes widened and he stepped back and kneeled looking at me in amuse.I heard a ruffle in the leaves behind me. I turned and there she was. A black tiger, she nudged me and then shifted back into her human form. I turned back around and the man was gone. Fallon was naked So I handed her my white Cloak that I had in the carriage.  

Please let me know what you think so far! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying! 

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