Chapter 3

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"Ahh" I heard Reaux scream. I ran outside. I touched her shoulder.

"Reaux?" she kept her back facing me.

"I was going to get eggs to cook over the fire and-and." I looked down seeing two men, they had bled out. their throats had been torn out, Their faces seemed familiar, yet haunting. The men from the sea, were they following me? Who killed them?

"I did..Kitali." A voice said. Ronan. I looked around but he wasn't there. I walked deeper in the woods. A crow squaked and I jumped. I was nervous but this man was intriguing.

"Be careful Kit." Reaux pleaded me to stay safe but I couldn't stay away.

"Miss me princess?" Ronan growled.

"I'm far from a princess."

I felt a light grip on my shoulders. "Don't scream Kit." he trailed his fingers down my arm's, reaching down for my hands. "My Kitten." I turned around his nose touching mine. biting my lip.

"i'm afraid of you."

"afraid of me?Why?" He pulled away holding my arms.

"Yes, of you, of this unknown world."

"Don't be afraid of me kit."

"Why? so that you can kill me the way you did those men? I don't trust my hand in yours." I pulled my arms out of his grasp. "All of this is new to me and it terrifies me." He stepped closer.

"Kit, I'll lay my life in your hands."

"what. why? this is all dramatic Ronan, I don't understand."

"Kit?" Zaylee came running into the woods. A few men were following her. Ronan was gone again. He never let anyone see him.

"Are you alright Zaylee?"

"Yes, I'm Fine."

"Who are these men?"

"I hired them for you. to keep you safe."

"Hired them? I know you have dowry, but not enough to buy Nine guards." Zaylee stepped forward and turned our backs to the the guards,

"My mother is the king's mistress Kit, and the King is my father."

"The King is your father? When were you ever going to tell me this?"

"I didn't want you to think of me any differently."

"Zaylee, No I would never think of you any less." I looked at her more intensely. "does this mean that the King is a wolf." She shook her head.

"No, my father knows nothing. I got the gift on my own, I don't know how."

"I do." Ronan Came out of the woods. The guards stepped forward drawing their swords.

"down boys." Zaylee chuckled at the words that came off of my tongue.

"Who is this Kit." Zaylee looked at Ronan as she already knew something.

"Ronan, The man that saved my life. He's the man that drug me out of the water after the men threw me off their ship. He's the man that killed the men that did it."

"Why would you do this for her."

"I think you already know." Ronan said to Zaylee but looked at me with lusting eyes.

"Know what Zaylee." I grabbed her hand. "Zaylee stop holding things back from me, I'm not a child."

"I just think you need to see for yourself."I grabbed her hand a little tighter. "Please Kit, Just trust me."

"I agree." Ronan reached out for me. I didn't trust him but something told me to.

"we need to get you to Edina. She's in the woods by the taverns. We will get there by night fall If we leave now."

"A witch? Why do you want to take me to a witch?"

"Just trust us Kit." The guards gathered our things. Zaylee kissed her mother's cheek goodbye. Fallon Brought out some new clothing.

"whats this?"

"I think it would be better to dress the part."

"Dress the part?"

"Yes, Where we are going is a seductive place."

"Can I change once we get there?"

"Of course."

Ronan brought out five horses, One for all of us and the carriage man, he was now a guard and Zaylees cousin. The guards each had horses. Reaux Looked at me as if she knew something but she never said a word. We set off to the tavern woods the guards surrounded us and the night fell. 

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